Part 17~Centaurs

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Gently stepping into the room, Mel looked around. He quietly stepped closer, holding up his hands as Harry picked him up, holding him close as he whimpered.

"Here." Severus passed the potion to Mel, watching the child drink it with a grimace. "You should rest. Your parents will take you back."

Mel shook his head, burying his head in Harry's shoulder.

"Come on, Harry has to get to class." Harry opened his mouth, about to object, when Severus stopped him. "You don't get to argue. You've caused us enough trouble, and you will be attending class."

"Fine." Harry pouted as he glanced down at Mel. "You going to be okay without me?"

Mel shook his head, holding onto Harry tighter.

"Well then, I'll just have to make it better." Harry grinned as he repositioned Mel to lay against his chest.

"Potter," Severus glared at Harry as he shushed him.

Flicking his hand, Harry smiled, the music playing around them. He began to sing under his breath, humming to the soft tune as he rocked Mel to sleep.

"Well, damn. Who thought you could sing?" Jack smirked as Harry glared at him. Liz snickered from Jack's side, Lily and James standing behind them.

Lily snuck as quietly as possible to Harry's side, letting him deposit the sleeping child in her arms. Lily paused, whispering a small 'thank you' before turning around and leaving in the same fire as James.

Stepping closer to Harry, Liz grinned. "Will you sing for me?"

"No." Harry spun, walking away.

"I've got to find out if my Harry can sing like that," Nevile muttered, his eyes wide.

"And I'm leaving. Goodbye, weirdos!"

"He's a lot meaner now we know," Liz grumbled as Nevile snorted.

"Yep. Welcome to the club."


Harry sighed as he leaned against his hand. The history of magic lessons here was just as dull.

He skimmed through the book, his eyes seeking anything interesting. Boring. Boring. Boring that was new.

Stopping on the passage, Harry began reading. It was worded as boring as Big's said it. The entry was about the chamber of secrets, how Salasar created it and used it to store a pet of some kind. It glossed over something about it being opened a few years ago.

"Now, that sounds like it will hold a few secrets." Harry grinned, glancing at his pocket watch. "Just a shame I'm stuck here."

Groaning, Harry slid down in his chair, waiting for the lesson to end.


"Hey, Nevile." Harry grinned as he leaned on the wall.

"While I'm glad you're in a good mood again, what do you want?"

"Can't I just talk to my other self's boyfriend without wanting anything?" Harry grinned once more as Nevile glared at him. "Touche. Fine. What happened when the chamber of secrets was opened?"

Nevile froze, spinning around. "How did you find out about that?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders, pulling out his book. "Modern history. Now come on. A big event like that might have a few secrets."

Groaning, Nevile threw his head back, rubbing his eyes. "Alright." Grabbing Harry, Nevile pulled him back to the founders' quarters. He collapsed down as Harry stared at him, waiting for his answer. "Right, it happened back in the second year. The chamber of secrets was opened, and a huge basilisk started roaming the halls. It petrified a few people but was captured and killed by some auras."

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