Part 11~Grave

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Yawning, Harry struggled to stay awake. The voices blurred together, moulding into one constant drone at the back of his mind. He hadn’t gotten much sleep after yesterday’s very long conversation with Luna. 

“Mr Potter, do not fall asleep in class!” McGonagall scowled, slamming a ruler down on Harry’s desk and making him jolt up. 

He didn’t say anything, stifling a yawn as McGonagall continued her lecture. He decided to ignore the worried expression on McGonagall’s face. 

“You know if you’re going to keep running off and not returning I should report you.” Nevile leaned on his hand, grinning as Harry scowled at him. “What even happened to you last night. You look exhausted.”

“Nothing you should worry about. I spent the night talking with Luna.” Harry leaned on his hand, staring off into the distance as Nevile grinned. 

“Really? What would our grumpy little snake be talking to her about?”

“Firstly about the joys of Umbitch and the dementors but somehow we ended up talking about the effects of beatlebee juice on tigerbat skin.” Harry scratched the back of his head, a confused look covering his face. 

“How did you do that?”

Harry shrugged. “The joys of talking to someone with ADHD.”


Harry snickered, laughing slightly at Nevile’s confused expression. “A muggle thing. Damn I’m tired tho. I haven’t done an all-nighter since third year and I decided I liked sleep.” Harry sighed, yawning as he closed his eyes. “I want to go back to sleep.”

“I wouldn’t. I don’t know what your McGonagall is like but if ours catches you sleeping, you’ll be in detention for a month.” 

“Nope. That sounds about right. Don’t care though. Too tired to care.” Harry’s words slurred at the end as Nevile sighed. 

“Fine. Your funeral.” 


“Mr Potter! I thought I told you not to sleep in my class!” McGonagall scowled as Harry jolted up once more, yawning loudly as he stretched his arms behind him. “Are you even listening to me?!”

“Not really,” Harry responded, brutally honest. 

“Mr Potter!”

Harry blinked, looking at her as jolted back, lowering his head. “I-I’m sorry.”

Sighing, McGonagall shook her head. “I’ll let your comment sly since you’re clearly exhausted but I expect you to be in detention 4 O’clock sharp.” McGonagall walked away as the class snickered. 

“Told you,” Nevile sang, leaning closer, frowning as he noticed the proud smirk on Harry’s lips. “Oh god, your planning something. What are you planning?”

Harry grinned, pulling out the pocket watch. “To get the next secret.”

Nevile’s eyes widened as he spotted the name on the newest handle. ‘McGonagall.’

“Ah, I see. That was surprisingly smart of you.” Nevile grinned as Harry scoffed. 

“I’m always smart.” 

“Nope. Only about 1% of the time.”

Growing, Harry straightened his back and sent a curse right at Nevile making him yelp. 

“Is everything alright over there?” McGonagall scowled as Nevile forced a nod through gritted teeth. 


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