Part 9~Darkness

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Sitting in the far corner, Harry smiled softly. The whole library was abandoned, most people favouring food and dinner over the books. That was fine by Harry. It made this place peaceful and made avoiding Draco and Nevile easier.

“Huh, oh, hello there.”

Lifting his head, Harry tensely glanced at the person in front of him. So much for his peaceful reading. Locking eyes with the familiar girl, Harry relaxed. “Evening Luna. Are you not at the feast?”

Luna shook her head, tilting it slightly. “No. Though I’m surprised you know my name. We’ve never talked before.”

Harry sent a small curse to his other self. Who doesn’t learn everyone’s name?! “I must have heard it somewhere. What are you doing here?” Harry shook off the uncertain look Luna was giving him.

“It’s just someplace to be.” She smiled, sitting next to Harry. “What about you?”

“Researching. It’s very interesting to see how many books K.P. Philip published.”

Luna narrowed her eyes, glancing at Harry. “I do not know that name. Are they a herbologist?”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “No? Why would they- Oh, right.” Coughing awkwardly, Harry forced a shy smile on his face. “No, she’s not. She specialised in ancient rituals and traditions- mostly focusing on the accidental magic that muggles would incur through rituals and sacrifices to gods and what they actually did and why.”

Luna blinked, staring at Harry in confusion. “I didn’t know you had an interest.”

“I didn’t know we had talked about my interests before.” Harry grinned as Luna chuckled.

“I suppose not. You should go. The seven-year Ravenclaws will be coming soon. You’ll not want to get caught in their study blasts.” Luna turned away, stepping out of the library as Harry shook his head, picking up his bag.

Stopping, Harry narrowed his eyes. That shouldn’t be open. Glancing at the door, he smirked and walked into the restricted section. He glanced around the side, drifting through the rows of books.

Well, that wasn’t right. Looking at the shelf, Harry checked over every title. There was a book missing.


Jumping, Harry spun around, pulling out his wand.

“What are you doing?” Nevile glared at Harry as he let out a heavy sigh.

“What am I doing?! What are you doing?! You gave me a heart attack!” Harry hissed out his words as he took a deep breath. “Come on. We should go before we get caught.”

“No kidding.” Nevile grabbed Harry, pulling him out of the forbidden area. Yelping, he stumbled back, staring up at the thing he had crashed into. “Oh, h-hey Professor Snape.”

Snape raised his eyebrow, glancing between Nevile and Harry. “Longbottom. Care to tell me what you were doing in the restricted section? I do hope you’re not getting my godson into trouble.”

“What? Pffff, no. Of course not.”

Harry made a mental note that Nevile was still scared of Snape.

Snape lifted his head, peering past Nevile, his eyes boring into Harry’s form. “May I have a word with Harry?”


“That is not a choice, Longbottom.”

Nevile sighed, stepping away from Harry. “Meet me in the usual place afterwards.”

Simply giving Nevile a curt nod, Harry watched him walk away. He turned back to Snape, waiting for him to say something. “Is there something you want?”

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