Part 2~New World

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Voices echoed around the room, faded and unfocused. Harry couldn't place any of them or what they were saying but either way they were waking him up. He didn’t like being woken up.

He let out a groan as he opened my eyes. Hissing, he turned away from the blinding lights. Since when was the common room properly lit?!

"Harry, how are you feeling?" Harry couldn’t place the female voice. It didn’t sound like Pansy or Luna but they were the only ladies Harry got along with. Maybe she was another fangirl. Hadn’t they got that he was gay yet?!

"I’m fine." That was a total lie but Harry wasn’t one to admit he was in pain. “Where am I?”

“The hospital wing. Do you remember what happened?” The lady helped Harry sit up as he bit back the urge to hex her for touching him without permission. Not because he didn’t want to but he could tell his magic was already grained and he didn’t fancy going into a coma. 

“No? Did something happen?”

"Don't you remember? Stupid Slytherin knocked you off your broom!" Harry couldn't recognize this voice either, but that was not what I focused on. Broom? Stupid Slytherin? Did this person know who they were talking to? Sure the Quidditch training could get a little rough but they were not stupid. That was Gryffindors. "Don't worry, we still beat them." 

Okay… that person was talking about a match. Maybe they were talking to someone else? What happened to him…? Oh, wait!

“Draco!” Shooting up, Harry groaned from the head rush.

"Out of the way, give him space." Harry sighed a little from the familiar voice. Opening his eyes once again he could see Madam Pomprey pushing her away through the crowd. He looked around for his glasses, but before he could search the desk someone picked them up and placed them on his nose.

The world came into focus. He was surrounded by yellow uniforms that he recognised as the Hufflepuff Quidditch team uniforms. What was the Hufflepuff team doing near him?! While Hufflepuff wasn’t half as bad as Gryffindors, most of them were absolutely terrified of him.

"Harry, where does it hurt?" Madam Pomphrey called Harry’s attention back to her as she waved her wand over him, checking for any damage that she missed.

Of course, there was a lot wrong! It felt like he had been thrown through the castle walls, however, Harry was not going to admit that. He had more pride than that. “I’m fine. Though I am still confused, where is Draco?”

The crowd shared a worried look. What was that all about? It wasn’t like he ever willingly spent time away from the platinum blond Slytherin. 

“Why would you want to know about that slimy git! He’s probably the one who did this to you!” 

Harry’s eyes flared with anger. He spun to look at the man who dared talk bad about his friend. The man had wild brown hair and glasses. Good; Harry didn’t know this person that meant they weren’t important. 

“I would appreciate it if you didn’t speak so ill about my godson, James.”

Harry snapped his mouth closed as he spotted Professor Snape watching from the back of the room. His eyes were filled with too many emotions to read them and it was clear that this ‘James’ didn’t appreciate what Snape had said. “Don’t be like that, Severus. Even you have to admit that Draco has issues. He probably hurt Harry to lash out for losing the match.”

“Say that again and you’ll regret it.” Harry glared through his hair, an intimidating aura surrounding him. Everyone flinched back, confusion and shock clear on their faces. 

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