David Luiz Imagine.

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David Luiz Imagine-


We drove passed the familiar stores and streets here in my hometown. The raggedy pet store that sat between a Target and Lowes, the dumb little gas station which always had the lowest prices on gas all reminded me of my childhood. This wasn't exactly my hometown but i would always come here to buy stuff because my hometown was tiny.

Anyways, we pulled up to the old but familiar Target and made our way inside. David held my hand as we walked into the bright red store. We had no shopping list, we just came to buy random items and food, like we always do. Right away, I spotted this cute leather backpack. I ran to it, desperately pulling the 6'2 giant along.

"Yes or no?" I asked putting the backpack on.

"Don't mean to sound so materialistic but you literally have Chanel, Balenciaga, AND Hermes backpacks/bags but you chose to freak out over a...target backpack?" David chuckles.

"Yes! I'm buying it." I say, throwing it into the cart.

He shrugged and we continued roaming around the store. We walked passed the kids clothing section and I attentively looked at it. I always wanted kids but David and I never talked about it.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

I ran to this adorable blue onesie and showed him.

"This. This is so cute." I smiled.

"One day we'll be buying tons of those." He said, putting his arms around me.

"Maybe that day is near.." I joked.


"I'm kidding!"

We skimmed the various isles from the toy section to the home decor section. We weren't even close to our home but we still looked at it.

"David? David Luiz?" We heard from behind.

We turned to see a group of teenage boys all wearing a similar outfit. They looked as if they were on some team. They all had surprised faces.

"Uh yeah.." David responded.

The guys came to us and they started talking to David and I. We found out there names were Cesar,Jayden,David,Alexis, and Logan and they were in their schools Varsity soccer team.

"So what positions do you play?" David asked.

"Forward." Cesar said.

"Midfield." Jayden and David said.

"Defender." Logan and Michael said.

David high-fived the defenders and they continued talking until I started giving him the "hurry up" look. He told them we had to go but first they wanted a picture. So they took a couple of pictures.

"Yeah we have to get going to,we have a game tomorrow morning so we gotta rest a bit." Cesar exclaimed.

"Really? Where?" I asked.

"Y/hometown/N, at their high school."

"Oh that's my high school! We should go watch them David."

"Aw man that would be amazing. It'd be beyond amazing it would be--" Logan rambled on.

"Sure. We can go watch. What time does it start?" David asked.

"8 am."

"A bit early but we'll go. See you tomorrow guys!" David shouted before walking away

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