Marc Bartra Imagine. {Part Four}

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Marc Bartra Imagine: Part Four-



When we got home, I fed the kids and put them down for a nap. I turned on the tv and ate a slice of pizza while channel surfing. I clicked and clicked until I passed a fútbol game, making me go back. I looked it and it was Barcelona vs Eibar.

"If Sergi was awake he'd be loosing his shit." I thought to myself as the teams stood on the field.

The guys stood with their team and the camera started showing them all. First was Messi. He hasn't changed one bit. Then they showed Neymar and Dani. Then they showed Marc. I got up and got closer to the screen. I looked at Marc's wrist and he had taped them both but they also had something written on them..

"Get closer!" I said frustrated, to the cameras as if they could hear me.

Moments later, they showed Marc again and they actually commented on the wrist tape.

"And it looks like Bartra is sporting a new look." The commentator says.

"Ahh yes, looks like he taped his wrist and it looks like the right one says "Sergi A." And the left says "Sierra A." His partner added.

I stood there with my mouth wide open. No way. How in thee hell is he going to explain that to the press? What is everyone going to say? They're going to die for pictures of his kids.

Anyways, I watched the game the full 90 minutes and it soon ended. 6-0 to Barça.

After the team started leaving the pitch, it was time for interviews. First, Mascherano gave his interview and then Marc gave his.

"Very good game today Bartra." The reporter told him.

"Thank you thank you." He smiled.

"Alright so there's a lot of speculation on you today Marc."

"Oh is there?" He smirked.

"Oh yeah, so Marc what was up with the tape on the wrist and what did the names mean? I believe it said "Sergi A." and "Sierra A." correct? "

"Uh yeah that's what they said.." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"So what do those names mean Marc?" She asked.

"Um well they're um, they're the names of my beautiful...twins."

"Twins?! Marc, you're a father?" She asked, super astonished.

"Yes I am. Father of a twins, a beautiful boy and a beautiful girl." He said proudly.

"Wow we'll get more into this later!" The reporter said, looking at the camera.

"And we also see that you had something else written, it looked like an inical.."

"Oh yeah, it's someone....special." He smiled.

They showed the picture and he had my inical on both wrists, under the twins' names.
I smiled at his sweet gesture.

Once interview finished, I turned off the tv and decided to clean the house. I turned on my music, really low so the twins wouldn't wake up. I wipe counters, clean toilets and mop the floor of our huge apartment.

As I finish cleaning my phone starts ringing.


"Y/N? Hey it's Marc."

"Oh hi Marc.." I awkwardly say.

"By any chance did you watch the game?" He asked.

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