Marco Reus Imagine.

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Marco Reus Imagine-
Today was like any normal game day.

I got up, had breakfast, and watched as my boyfriend left for work.

My boyfriend is Marco Reus, the German football star, so his job was playing 90 minute games in front of thousands of people and all around the world.

We had met in a restaurant right in Dortmund,Germany. We hit it off right away and after a few dates, he asked me to be his girlfriend. It's been a year since and I've got to say that it has been great. I am American but I'm currently in the Study Abroad program for my school back in the states, United States that is. I go to Brown University on the East Coast. I'm scheduled to be here in Germany for 4 semesters so I have 2 down, now 2 to go. (But that's beyond the point.)

"Alright see you there babe." Marco said giving me a sweet kiss.

"Yes you will. Good luck and I love you." I say giving him another kiss.

"I love you too but I've got to go." He says once again, giving me a kiss but walking towards the door after.

Once Marco left, I began getting ready. The German National team had a game against Armenia today and I was going to support Marco. I straightened my hair letting it cascade passed my shoulders, to my mid-back. I applied a small amount of make up and then I changed. I wore a black camisole shirt with a dark green army jacket over,dark wash jeans, booties with a heel and a infinity scarf.

When I was done I grabbed my purse and I hurried to my car.

At the stadium, I sat near the team benches in the "WAG Section". The game was yet to start so I just sit there fidgeting with my hands and looking around the enormous stadium. I looked at the stands to see these women excitedly waiting for the guys to come out. I smiled at their dedication until I came upon these girls, about my age hold up signs that read "Heirate mich Marco!" And "Im Mit #21!". I felt a bit of jealousy over that but it quickly faded once I heard the music start playing. (Used google translate lol)

I turned to see and the Armenian's were coming out of the tunnel. They slowly walked out holding the hand of a child as they walked to the middle of the field.

They got into position and then the whole stadium started cheering loudly. I turned to my left and I watched as the German team began walking out. The first man to walk out was Phillipp Lahm. Followed by Thomas Müller and Bastian Schweinsteiger. After them came Mats Hummels and finally after Mats came, Mario Götze and Marco. I clapped as I watched Marco walk to the pitch. He looked over to me and I gave him a dorky smile and I waved. He simply winked and continued walking.

Once they were aligned in the middle of the pitch both National Anthems started playing. I watched as both teams sang their countries anthem with pride and dignity.

After that both captains went to do the coin toss and Germany got the ball the second half.

The game started and it was quite slow the first 15 minutes. No goals, no nothing. Football wasn't my favorite sport but I understood the game, since Marco had taught me. My actual favorite sport was American Football but Marco frowns upon it like the immature soccer player that he is.

I get taken away from my thoughts when I hear a sudden roar from the crowd. I look up to see the guys hugging each other and cheering on Götze.

"Goal?" I ask myself.

"GOAL!" I scream when I come to realization.

I clap and scream until the excitement dies down and the game starts up again.

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