Luke Shaw Imagine.

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Luke Shaw Imagine-

{requested // He takes care of you when you're sick.}


I sit up on the bed and check the time, 3 AM. I turn to see a sleeping Luke all cuddled up in the blankets. I get up and hurry to the bathroom to gather tissues for my runny nose. I blow my nose vigorously and throw away the used tissue.

I look into the mirror and I look horrifying. My hair is a mess, my eyes are puffy, and my nose is bright red. I grab more tissues and head back to bed. I sit down and groan.


I turn to see Luke rubbing his eyes, adjusting to the dim like coming from the lamp.

"Go back to bed, you have practice tomorrow." I say all stuffed up.

"What's wrong with your voice?" He asked.

"I'm sick you dummy."

He gets up and comes to me, squatting down in front of me. He checks my forehead and quickly takes away his hand.

"You're burning up. Lay down." He says, adjusting my pillow and covering me up with the blanket.

"I'll go look for medicine."

I lay down and cough into my tissue once more. I rarely get sick but when I do it's horrible. Chills, fevers, nausea, coughing and a runny nose all in one. Soon, Luke comes running in with the medicine.

"Open." He demands, scooping the disgusting medicine into my mouth.

He set it down and laid next to me. He turned the tv on and put his arm around me.

"Turn it off so you can sleep babe." I sniffled.

"I don't need sleep. What I need is to make sure that you'll be okay." He smiled.

I laid next to him, my head on his chest as he watched the tv. My medicine soon started to kick in and I felt myself getting drowsy, and finally falling asleep.

-next morning-

Luke's POV:

I woke up to Y/N coughing up her lungs once more. I stretched in bed and finally got up to check on her. She was sitting up, her small legs dangling from the bedside. I crouched

"There's no more medicine.." She coughed, shaking the empty bottle.

"I'll go buy some, you get some rest." I said, walking towards the closet to change.

"No,no,no,no," She refused, grabbing my arm.

"You have to get ready for practice!" she added.

"I don't care. I'll be back in 10 minutes."

"Luke, no!" She shouted.

I ignored her and went to change. I threw on my Manchester sweater, sweats and I wore my slippers.

"I'll be back!" I shouted from downstairs.

On my way, I decided to call coach to let him know I wouldn't be going today.

Hey coach, I'm just letting you know that I'm not going to practice today.

And what exactly is your reason for not coming Mr.Shaw?

Oh, um, I'm getting sick. *cough-cough*

Very well Mr.Shaw. We expect you back tomorrow morning, bright and early.

Alright coach. Thanks.

When I got to the store I grabbed a basket and went to the medicine isle. I grabbed 2 bottles of the nasty liquid and threw it in. I hurriedly made my way to the food isle and threw in various junk foods and what not. I paid for everything and quickly headed back home.

"I'm back!" I yelled.

I put my keys down on the table and I see Y/N leaning over the railing.

"You're going to be late.." She said groggily.

"I called in sick. Now get back to bed!"

"You did not Luke Shaw..." She said waiting at the top of the stairs.

"Oh I did indeed Y/F/N." I said, hugging her.

We walked back into the room and she took her medicine.

"what movie should we watch?" I asked her.

"Shrek!" She screamed.

I put the movie on and I plopped down next to her. She quickly rested her head on my chest and we watched the movie.

We stayed in bed, watching movies and eating tons of junk food, until the door hell rang.

I got up and ran downstairs. Without even checking who it was I opened it and I was shocked with who it was.

"Hey, Javier. What are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see if you were okay but I can see that you are. Bro are you even sick?" My Mexican compadre asked.

"Yeah about that..I'm not the sick one." I said rubbing my neck.

"Hey Javier." Y/N coughed from the top of the stairs.

"Oh, I see. Little Lukey had to take care of his sick girlfriend!" Javier laughed.

"Shut up man." I shoved him.

"Alright well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Y/N, hope you get better!" He said, walking back to his car.

I shut the door and I ran back to the room.

"Let's hope he doesn't tell the guys." Y/N spoke.

I agree and we lay back down, cuddling under the blankets. I occasionally got up to get more tissues or to remind her to take the medicine. Other than that, I enjoyed the rest of the day taking care of my sick girlfriend.


Hope you liked!
Also, thank you for sending the plot / what you wanted it to be about!

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