Julian Draxler Imagine.

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Julian Draxler Imagine-

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I sipped my hot cup of coffee as I looked out my apartment window. It was a beautiful day in Gelsenkirchen. The sun was shining bright, illuminating my small living room.

I lived somewhat in the middle of Gelsenkirchen so of course the busy streets were only a few floors below, making it rather noisy.

I sipped my coffee and sat down near the window which over looked the city. Besides the honks and beeps coming from the streets, I felt relaxed. I was off of work for a few weeks and I didn't have anything to work on at home. I looked down at the street and there were a bunch of different other people.

There were kids walking to school, books in hand and a backpack slung over their shoulder. Then there were business people, walking towards what I assumed was their offices. Finally,there were people running with or without their dogs.

Even if I felt completely relaxed and good, I thought that I should take Jaxx for a run. Jaxx was my Siberian Husky who I've had since he was a puppy. I wasn't much of a dog person but Jaxx obviously changed that for me.

"Jaxx!" I yelled.

Right away, my big monstrous dog ran to me.

"Want to go on a run boy?" I enthusiastically asked.

He freaked out and started barking.

"Aw look at my big boy! You excited baby?" I asked as if he could answer back.

I ruffled around with his fur and pet his head while he tried to lick my hands.

I got up and washed my mug, splashing some water on Jaxx, making him squirm away from me.

When I finished, I went into my room and changed into some workout clothes for our run. I put on a Pink Nike Sports Bra, Black workout capris, and Pink Nike Freeruns. I proceeded to put my hair in a ponytail and strapping my iPhone holder onto my bicep. I grabbed Jaxx leash and walked out into the living room.

"Jaxx, let's go!" I yelled.

In he came, running like the overly hyper dog that he was. I put the leash on his collar and before you know it, we were on the street.

The walk started off slow. We walked down the street and around the corner. We had no specific destination, i just wanted to get out and get my daily exercise. I had my headphones in so I listened to my running playlist and blocked off the street noises. Jaxx seemed to be enjoying himself, he was well behaved unless he saw a nice looking tree. He'd stop at almost every tree where he would mess with its bark or lay down. I was getting a bit annoyed with the constant stopping so I stopped in a park and began stretching. After my stretches, we began running.

This time I completely blocked everything out. All that was on my mind was finishing up this 5 mile run in less time than before. I didn't like having excuses for my shitty mile times but these passed few weeks have been somewhat understandable. We just got done with the holidays so of course my weight was going to increase and so was my mile time.

We ran to the other side of town and back. I stopped a few times but other than that, I did good. I finished with a lower mile time which made me feel way better.

When we got back to our side of town, we stopped in the same park as before. I did my post-run stretches and played around with Jaxx some more. I wanted to drain his energy so when we get home he'll hopefully be a bit calmer. About half an hour later, i decided that it was time to head home.

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