Luke Shaw Imagine.

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Luke Shawn Imagine.



"You know, they're starting to notice.." I said, playing with Luke's hand.

"What should we do?" He asked.

"We could wait until it's completely obvious or just say something about it beforehand." I suggested.

"We'll say something....soon." He said, laying down and resting his head on my lap.

"You better enjoy this because in a few months there will be no more room for you." I laughed.

He let out a laugh and turned to the movie that was on the tv. I ran my fingers through his hair and began watching the movie too. I was looking at the screen but my mind began to drift into these different thoughts.

Teen pregnancy has always been a hot topic around the world. It's even a bigger topic when it involves celebrities or professionals. Most of the talks people have about it are negative though. Things are said about both kids but almost always, they look at the girl. In fact, when someone gets pregnant at a young age, they're automatically labeled and some are even looked down upon. It's a tough thing that I've witnessed and that I am going to be living.

I'm three months pregnant and it's been calm for the most part. But the only reason it's calm is because nobody knows. I told Luke the minute I got back from the doctors andwe told our parents only a few weeks ago. They weren't happy but the fact that Luke is a professional made them worry about one less thing, which was money. Being financially stable is important, especially as teen parents but his career only dropped one worry and added about ten more.

Besides our parents, nobody is aware of his. Although, one news outlet was brave enough to accuse a young soccer star and his equally as young girlfriend of such things, and boy have they gotten an ear full. It has gotten a lot of negative reviews over its unconfirmed story about my pregnancy and it's made me feel a bit bad. We weren't urged to confirm it but now that I'm starting to show, we or I think that it'd be best if we did.

"Haha, did you see that part?" Luke giggled.

"Huh? Oh yeah haha." I replied.

Luke got up, "I said we'll say something soon Y/N." He sighed, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I got up from the couch and walked away.

"I'm going up to bed.." I said.


"I'm tired just leave me alone.." I sassed.

I got the our room and I laid down. I didn't want to hear it and I didn't want to argue. I just wanted to get my point across to Luke and I hope that I did.


The next morning, I woke up to a text from Luke and very active social media sites.

First, I checked Luke's message.

Off to training. I'll be back around noon.
Take care of yourself and our baby.
Love you. x

I smiled at his cuteness and then I checked the fuss on my social media sites.

@Y/Twitter/N Congrats on the baby! Best of luck as a teen mother. x
@Y/Twitter/N Although you're still a youngster, a child is a wonderful gift. Congrats. xx
@Y/Twitter/N What do you want? A boy or girl?

From my mentions, I went straight to Luke's twitter page. The first tweet to pop up was a link to his Instagram page so I clicked. I was redirected and their he put up a picture of us. We were outside taking a dip in the pool and I had a bathing suit on, clearly exposing my small tummy. He had his arms around me and his hand placed on the tiny bump.

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