The Quest

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The next few days went on as usual. I occasionally saw Rylai and Damien in the library taking down notes and spending quality time together, which made Hadyn jealous. Of course, I protected the couple from that bitch. (I don't understand— why would Hadyn continue on pestering Damien if Damien clearly told her that he's not interested in her?)

Right now, Mr. Ceyx was about to discuss to us about the upcoming Bundery High Ball, which was also a party commemorating the school's 80th anniversary. I looked around and saw that my classmates were really buzzing with excitement for this.

"Alrighty then, class!" Mr. Ceyx looked excited for this as well. "Today, we start with the preparations for the Bundery High Ball on April 20! The faculty has already decided on the programs to be hosted, but it will be up to the student council to fit the theme of 'Magic and Fantasies' with the corresponding entertainment and such!"

As the president of the student council himself, Damien answered Mr. Ceyx with a formal "Okay, sir. We'll do our best."

"Let's just hope that it will be better than the Valentines Day we had last year." Hadyn cringed. "That was a total failure."

Kurt, the blonde-haired boy always sitting at the back, sighed and muttered, "As much as I don't want to admit it, I agree with Hadyn. Last year was a disastrous failure."

Last year, before Damien decided to partake in the school politics, Valentines Day was truly a total bust. The former president had a creative but destructive idea to use fireworks to light up the night sky for the couples. As with all fireworks... one of the fireworks fell down before it flew, and it ended up burning the once-intricately prepared stage that was set up on the field.

"Okay, so now, I'll leave this homeroom period to you guys, so Mr. Lordman and Mr. Esteban..." Mr. Ceyx pointed to the two responsible men. "Make sure to suggest ideas to the rest of the council after getting them from the others."

Damien nodded, and now he and Kurt Esteban got the run of the entire classroom for one homeroom period.

Before Kurt had even walked to the front, an energetic Max had already suggested an idea for the Ball. "Masquerade party!"

"Easy there, Max." Damien chuckled as he wrote the suggestion on the blackboard. "Okay, this is going to be for the theme 'Magic and Fantasies', so I hope there'll be more creative ideas for the program."

"Nope!" Max interjected. I saw a slightly evil grin on his face. "Only a masquerade party is the way to go!"

Why do I feel that this is gonna go wrong... I had a bad feeling about Max's real intentions.

Kurt raised an eyebrow and he asked, "Why a masquerade party, then?"

I heard a mischievous chuckle from my best friend. "Actually, I planned this all once I found out about the Ball a minute ago! If the theme is about fantasy and magic, how about a masquerade party where no one is allowed to tell anyone who they are, as if they're under a spell to remain unknown? How about during the entire event, there will be some sort of keys or clues that people can find to break the 'spell'?"

"Well, I guess we can have that." Damien shrugged and rewrote the words to 'Masquerade Ball: Curse Edition' instead. "Anything else?"

"Hm, I think we should go with River's idea." Mr. Ceyx mused as he sat on Damien's empty seat. "I think it's good."

"You're right— and if someone tries to tell someone about his identity, he'll have to be punished by drawing on his face or something..." Elena mused.

Well, I guess it was a great idea too... but then Max added something else with a sinister grin. "Oh, and how about voting for who has the best mask, like the King and Queen of the Ball, and how about voting for the 'Most Mysterious of them All', where the unfortunate person's mask will be taken off?"

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