The Son of Zeus

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"Holy sh!t!"

Sam stared at her own hand in shock as it burned fierce red flames, but she could only watch in fascination as her own hand burned without any pain. A proud-looking Actiel grinned as a black-haired Korean girl, around the same age as Sam herself, smiled in satisfaction.

The fair-skinned Korean smiled and clapped as Sam succesfully doused out the flames. She was wearing a simple black t-shirt, ripped jeans, and she was barefoot. "You're doing well, my little cub. You're controlling your own Foxfire very well."

Sam grinned. "Now what next?"

It was just the first lesson: controlling their own flames, Foxfire.

"Just so you know, Miho, Samantha is not a normal fox." Actiel cut in. "She's Irhael, the chosen one— and she simply wants to learn about the ways of nine-tailed foxes. So she doesn't have a fox bead."

Miho nodded. "I knew once I smelled her scent. With my years of existence I learned a lot. Everything with the smell of incense is a deity, obviously."

Miho continued, "Very well then, Irhael. I believe that you will move on to the next creature from this, so I will make it quick—"

Sam spoke up, "No, teach me everything. I'm in no hurry, and since Actiel told me that my nature made my default powers as a nine-tailed fox's, I want to learn all of it. Besides, I stopped time for now, and I have been very interested in foxes."

Miho smiled. "Good, since this will take a long time. I hope you're prepared."

It was long, but yet, the three powerful creatures were not tired at all. Since time had stopped, and Sam also made sure that her small room would not be destroyed, she learned a lot in just a few days (as Actiel had counted— Sam's clock still stayed the way it was: 10:57 PM).

Sam could transform into a normal fox, and her eight-tailed form by the end of three days. She had also learned that her own Foxfire could also heal someone if she wished to, and she was now very adept at controlling it— she could even form fire animals and humans from it! She also learned about soul-stealing, but she decided to breeze past by that particular topic, since it included stealing a fragile human life away from its body. Besides, she didn't have any use for a soul.

"Okay, Sam— fox form!" Miho commanded.

"Yes Ma'am!" Sam immediately shifted into a fox, but it wasn't a normal fox. Actiel had told both Miho and Sam that it was the same size as a normal werewolf: almost as tall as a normal human. Also, Sam's eyes went back to their color-changing form for training.

Miho nodded. "Okay, back to human fom and shift into your nine-tailed fox form!"

Sam nodded, and she transformed back to human form. One thing that set foxes apart from werewolves was the fact that their clothes weren't torn if they shifted. Their clothes just simply disappeared when they shift into fox form and reappeared when they went back to human form. Sam's ears turned into fox ears that blended in with her hair at the top sides of her head, her nails elongated into claws, her teeth grew into fangs, and eight tails, with white tufts at the end, appeared behind her.

"Honestly, I wonder why you use eight tails instead of nine..." Miho mused.

Sam laughed as she grabbed one of her tails and hugged it. It was as soft as a cuddly toy. "Well, the number eight can be infinite if you flip it just right. So having eight tails is all fine."

"Okay, remember Sam, you can merge those tails to form less tails, or even one, so that you can easily maneuver across the battle." Miho reminded her. "Same in fox form. It can be vice versa."

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