Cold Hell

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Fenris went inside the classroom, and he saw the girl with the unique foxfur hair absorbed in her music. She was sketching something again, and Fenris was curious to what it was.

He placed his bag onto the seat beside her, and he leaned over to see what she was drawing. It was of a wolf, its gaze focused as if it was staring at its prey. He had to admit, her skills were great.

He thought that she would be too absorbed in her music and sketch to notice her, but Sam knew he was watching through her keen sense of smell. Sam paused, took off her earphones, and glanced at him. After a short moment, she said, "If you're going to just gawk at me Fenris, then shoo. I need to have privacy."

"Oh." He went and sat on the seat next to her. He glanced to his left, and he could still see her drawing, albeit a bit distorted from his field of view. As the other students came, he asked her, "So you draw?"

Sam nodded as she continued, "I'm one of the Art Club members. So what club were you in before you transferred here?"

Fenris leaned back on his chair and answered, "Nah, I was in sports. Max's your friend, right? So he must had blabbered to you that I have a weak immune system. Even though I easily get sick, I don't suffer from anything that hinders me from playing soccer."

Sam just hummed in response. Soon, she was done with the sketch, and she began to make another one. This time, she wanted to sketch the Buckingham palace from her memory of one simple photo. As she began to draw again, she asked, "Why is your name Fenris? What made your mother think of that name?"

Fenris chuckled. "Actually, my mom's friends named me because of my father. I have no idea who my father is, actually. All I know is that he's a president of some huge company."

Sam just nodded at this.

Fenris decided to pry and he asked, "Anyway, why do you wear that mask?"

Sam ignored him this time.

The boy's eyes narrowed. "Hello? I asked you a question."

Sam ignored him again.

He stared at her, wondering why she was so defensive when it came to her mask.

She's definitely hiding something. He thought. But why?


Later that day, it was their Phys. Ed class. The class had changed into their PE attire, which were sweatshirts and pants. Only Sam seemed to be the odd one out with her mask, which seemed permamently glued to her face all-day long.

Their Phys. Ed coach, Coach Mchill, shouted orders as the class began their warm ups in the track around the school field. "Alright, warm ups! After that, we'll begin with three laps around the track! Additional two points to your next test if you manage to run more than that!"

Most of the students were determined, despite the 50-meter track that wound around the field. It was a long way to go, but they wanted those points.

It seemed that Damien, Rylai and Sam seemed calm about all this. While the others had grim, determined expressions, they looked rather calm. Well, Sam had her fox mask on, so no one knew what she was thinking.

The coach blew his whistle, and the class ran off.

At the end of three laps, most of the students were already out of breath, but not Rylai and Damien. The two knew how to pace their breathing and their limits, so they stopped after the fourth lap.

However, Max wiped his brow as he watched Fenris run. "Geez, F still has energy for some reason!"

Their coach looked at the far side of the track and yelled, seeing the foxfur-haired girl still running. "Alright, Kieran! There's two points to you! You can stop now!"

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