The Owl and the Knight

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The next day, they were going to London. The small group of six were now walking to the port of Norway.

"You know, I totally forgot to bring extra clothes." Max commented as he touched the cotton fabric of his shirt and jacket. They were all wearing the same clothes as yesterday. "We're lucky we had Sam with us— one snap of her fingers and our clothes and underwear are fresh and clean like they were just at the dryers!"

Sam laughed. "I totally forgot about my powers too."

Max leaned closer to her and innocently asked, "So can you make money appear out of thin air? Can you make me rich?"

"I may be like a free genie with unlimited wishes, Max, but I won't do that just for anyone!" Sam waved him off, pushing his cheeky face away from her shoulder. "Please ignore me and listen to songs from your headphones instead!"

"Fine." Max huffed, and then he put Sumarbrandr on his ears and started listening to whatever song he was listening to— perhap One Republic or something.

Damien saw the edge of the harbor gradually getting nearer. "Hey, we're here."

Actiel had a hidden smile as she just went to the edge of the harbor and stood on an empty space by the water. "This time, we aren't using human transportation. We'll use the Nökks."

"Nökk?" Rylai asked as they came to a stop behind her. "Water spirits of Norse myths?"

Actiel glanced back, and then she looked at the water and knelt. She dipped her hand into the salty, dark blue-green waters, and she said, "Perhaps they're more known..."

The waters pulsed a lighter shade in ripples, and the neigh of a horse reached their ears.

" the Greek Hippocampi." Actiel smirked as three figures became visible in the distance. Somehow, as these figures went nearer, the sound of hooves were heard. Soon, in just a few minutes, horses made of water were now standing before them, and the one on the right seemed to neigh at Actiel in a friendly greeting. This particular horse seemed to have rainbow-colored water as the rising sun's rays shined on it. The Nökk in the middle had seemingly blue-green colors, and the last Nökk had mostly blue shades.

"Hey Iridis, nice to see you again." Actiel laughed as she patted the Nökk's mane. Somehow, even if they seemed to be made of water, they felt solid like normal horses.

"Holy sh!t!" A passerby gasped in shock as he pointed at the creatures. "A-Are they actually Hippocampi?!"

"How did they know?" Damien asked.

"PJO, Damien." Rylai simply answered as her wings appeared on her back. "Of course, Percy and Annabeth's not real."

"Max, Fenris, Damien, your rides." Actiel spread her wings and began to hover a few feet above the water. "Rylai, Sam, flight. And also give them a sugar cube later, will you?"

Sam nodded and gave her a thumbs up. Damien came up to the one Actiel called Iridis, and he gently touched the Nôkk's mane. Somehow, it felt like a normal horse's mane. "Hi, Iridis. Is it okay if you would give me a ride?"

Iridis neighed and turned around, offering the demigod a ride.

"Thanks, pal." Damien grinned as he swung his leg over and sat on the Nökk's back.

Max just jumped onto the next hippocampus' back with a grin. Thankfully, the Nökk didn't throw him off, but it did neigh harshly.

Well, as for Fenris, the Nökk outright refused with an angry snort, and it just went under the water, never to be seen again.

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