Valkyries, Angels and Keres

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"Why did I have to go with you guys!? I don't want to die! You guys can fight evil without me!"

Actiel was getting tired of Max's complaints— and repeating herself every single time he did.

"For the last time, Mrs. Helheim was not going to let Fenris go unless you came with him!" Actiel explained loudly, which got several other passengers looking at the two in annoyance. They had been repeating this for almost half an hour.

Rylai was now wearing a white shirt, black jeans and black shoes. Sam wore her mask as always, a red button-up long-sleeved blouse, brown baggy pants and her foster father's hiking boots. Fenris wore his black frost-design jacket over a dark gray shirt, gray jeans and black shoes. Damien wore a dark red shirt, which ironically had the words 'Olympus Rules!' on it, black jeans and shoes. Max was wearing a blue shirt with a green neon jacket over it, dark blue jeans and black shoes. Actiel wore her black leather jacket over a white t-shirt, gray ripped jeans, and boots.

The six of them— Rylai, Damien, Fenris, Sam, Max and Actiel— were onboard a plane. Unfortunately, the quickest way to Norway (pardon the rhyme) was not through winged horses (Pegasi were rare these days) nor magic, (Sam had no idea how to do a teleportation spell, and even if she did, she didn't know what exactly Norway looked like), but through a plane.

Damien looked around him, and he noted that the other passengers, most likely tourists, seemed normal, as if they hadn't seen anything weird yet. He whispered carefully, "Why are they calm?"

There were eight chairs in one row, and these were divided into two, with four on the left and four on the right. It was unclear how many columns of chairs there were, but at least the six of them were in one row at the back of the plane, with a brother-and-sister duo who occupied the last two chairs.

Actiel told him, leaning to the side a little, since Rylai was between them, "Ignorance and doubt. They see the news about an army of blue zombies in Bundery, then they assume it's a well-calculated prank. God had blinded the mortals to the supernatural realm by a mysterious veil, but now, somehow, the veil has beeen destroyed. At least most mortals believe in the things they see."

Damien hummed in response.

"How long was this gonna take again?" Sam asked, glancing at her phone's watch.

"Two hours." Rylai answered to save her mother from explaining again. "Well, that is, if there's no battle in the sky."

"Battle?" Fenris asked curiously.

"Well, are you guys familiar with valkyries?" Rylai asked.

"Yes. They're the handmaidens of Odin that brings fallen warriors to Valhalla, right?" Sam said.

"You see, there are their Christian counterparts, AKA angels, and their Greek counterparts, the Keres." Rylai explained. "There's an ongoing feud that comes from the souls that they bring to their respective afterlife..."

Rylai glanced at Sam, who seemed confused. "For your information, all the 'heavens' and 'hells' are connected in the afterlife, but with something like a barrier separating them."

"Uh, okay." Fenris spoke. "So I'm guessing that they're fighting over whether a fallen warrior should be taken to Valhalla, Elysium, or to Heaven."

"Correct!" Rylai grinned. "It's still ongoing, thanks to the people who save other people in disasters... Honestly, who cares? All they want is a good afterlife!"

All of a sudden, the plane seemed to shake. Several people looked out the windows, and most of them gasped.

"Holy sh!t!" The co-pilot's voice came from the announcement speakers. "Yo, Jake, you seeing this? Winged people fighting each other!"

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