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The sounds of clashing swords, explosions, screams, and battle cries echoed across the entire world. The stomping feet of many deities and giants melted together to form a world-wide earthquake.

Almost immediately, a tall building collapsed as a monstrous giant crashed against it.

"Aaah!" Several people panicked as they ran to and fro, trying to avoid debris.

"Who should we fight?!" Max shrieked in a panic as Sumarbrandr glowed pulsating colors.

"Usually the giants and monsters!" Sam yelled out. "In Greek and Norse myths, the giants or Jotuns are the rivals of the gods! So monsters and giants!"

"How the heck do you tell a god from a giant!?" Max yelled.

"I don't know!"


"Incoming!" Damien yelled as he saw a giant's mace coming right at them. It fell off from the giant's hands.

The five of them ran from the mace in separate directions, effectively separating them as a huge cloud of dust billowed from the crash.

The giant that had crashed against the building groaned, the sound echoing across the entire city. Fenris immediately noticed that there was normal red blood coming from the seemingly small (in comparison to the giant's form) wounds.

"There! Giants have red blood, not ichor!" Fenris yelled so that the others could hear him.

"Alright!" Max spoke in a not-so-confident tone. "Right. Red blood, o-okay."

Wings sprouted from Rylai's back, and the half-archangel —were-archangel, perhaps?— flew towards several fire demons, white glowing flames burning from her fists.

Damien saw the winged creature fly off towards the demonic creatures, so he immediately followed her, brandishing his bronze sword which glinted dangerously in the sunlight.

Many more demons rose from the ground, some more quickly than the others, and they surrounded Fenris. The boy glanced around him to see that they seemed to be thirty of them.

Instantly, he transformed into his black wolf form, and this time, he was as tall as a normal werewolf. However, armor made of his ice magic encased him, and he howled out a beam of frost magic towards the nearest demon, freezing it. Fenris snarled and snapped at the demons, effectively tearing them apart.

"Graah!" A demon leaped up at Fenris, ready to slice at the small gap in the armor near the neck.

"Gyah!" A blur of red collided against the flying demon, and the demon crashed against the ground instead. The blur landed upon the armored wolf and white fire began to shoot out of her hands, hitting the demons and burning them to ashes. She jumped off as Fenris leaped towards the nearest demon, and then she was met with another demon that immediately tried to stab her. Sam dodged sideways and used the demon's momentum to fling him to the ground with a shattering crack.

"Aah!" A panicked shout came from the right.

Max was surrounded as well, and the demons proved to be rather difficult to fight off.

A howl came from behind him and Fenris leaped over Max and mauled two unfortunate demons into shreds.

"Thanks F!" Max shouted as he sliced off a demon's arm and kicked it away from him.

The battle wasn't the only one happening in the world. In Greece, many deities fought against equal-sized giants, and Mt. Vesuvius and Mt. Etna repeatedly erupted every time Hephaestus was hurt by a giant. In Egypt, near the Nile and the pyramids, deities also fought against monsters of the afterlife. Ragnarok— the battle of the gods against the Jotuns— occured in the general region of Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

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