Jessie Talk

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Dark's P.O.V.

I watched Anti walk out of the room and noticed something was wrong. There was something really bothering him and I could see it in his eyes, hidden behind the smile he so bravely put on. I wanted to know what was going on and I hoped I could get him to talk sometime today since I knew we'd be sent out today. 

I heard him come back upstairs after a few minutes and then enter the bathroom. He was going to be in there for a bit so I figured I'd update Jessie on the happenings that have occurred since I would rather her not badger me about it when I get to work when Anti's right next to me. 

Dark: Hey Jessie. So I figured you'd want an update on the events that transpired yesterday is that correct?

I put my phone in my suit pocket and headed downstairs to whip up something small to take with so Anti and myself could eat on the way to the office. As I passed the bathroom I could hear Anti talking to himself, but paid no mind to it since I didn't want a repeat of yesterday. Walking down the stairs I figured I could make sandwiches to take with us since we could eat those without it getting messy. 

As I put everything down on the counter, my phone rang and when I answered it, putting it between my head and shoulder Jessie's voice rang through the speaker. 

"Hey Dark! I called as soon as I read your text. I couldn't wait for you to respond and just figured I'd give you a call since I didn't think you were doing much of anything. So, give me the details, what happened?" 

"Hello Jessie, I'm just making sandwiches to take with us on our way to the office. We got plastered last night and woke up naked in my bed. I did what you told me to and we ended up confessing to each other that we had feelings for one another before dinner."

She chuckled, "Well, seems that the booze made you both a lot more confident huh?" 

"But here's the thing Jessie, our confessions happened when we were sober. There was no drunken bullshit said... I honestly really do like him, though I'm afraid work is going to get in the way." 

"Dark, you need to focus on work, yes, but you also have to focus on yourself for once. I know you've never had a relationship before, but you finally have a chance to go forward with your life. You've met someone you clearly have a connection with. Try it Dark, the world of romance might just be what you need to finally overcome what happened. You can't hate yourself forever." 

I sighed as I finished making the sandwiches and placing them into bags. Jessie was right, I needed to find love eventually and I couldn't keep running from my past. Emotional connection is what I needed and now that I found it, I didn't know what to do. 

"I know Jessie. I just... You know what I think about relationships... In my line of work it puts them at risk too and I can't do that to someone I care about. I can't have those I love ripped away from me again." 

"I know honey, but you just have to let it go. You can't hold onto it forever Dark. Eventually you need to move on and maybe Anti can help you. Just, think about it okay?" Her voice was filled with sorrow and pity, something I hated getting from others. I didn't need pity, I just needed to drown myself in work to keep my mind off of those kind of things. 

I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against the counter. 

"I'll think about it." I said, just to keep her from worrying or pestering me about it. 

"Thank you. It may just help you Dark. Now, I'll let you go so you can do whatever you need to. I am happy for you though and I hope you and Anti become more than friends, it seems that you both could use each other seeing as the only family he has left is his brother."

My ears perked up at that fact. 

"Wait, what?"


"You said he only has one family member left?" 

"Oh! Yes, he only has his younger brother left. The rest of his family were killed in a freak accident, the poor thing. You and him aren't so different Dark."  

"Holy shit, I had no idea." 

It all made sense. Was his brother the 'something' he kept talking about? It had to be unless there was something/someone more important to him, but what could be more important than family? 

"Yeah, well I got to get going Dark. I'll see you when you get here okay?" 

"Okay Jessie. See you soon." 

When she hung up I went and sat in the living room to wait for Anti. Today was going to be a day full of questions I was determined to get answers to. 


Hey guys, I know the chapter is shorter than usual, I jut haven't been sleeping much this past week and so I'm not feeling too great because of it. I promise next chapter will be better and make up for the quality of this one. Thank you for sticking with me and I hope this story has been a great read so far. Until next time you guys I hope you have a wonderful night/day. 

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