Unfinished Business

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I snapped back to reality and managed to swerve back into my lane before smashing into the semitruck speeding toward me. I pulled off the interstate quickly and stopped in a small pull-off and practically threw myself out of the car before throwing up violently next to my front tire. Standing there dry heaving for a moment before slowly standing up and wiping my mouth I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Mason's personal cell. After a few rings he picked up, clearly awoken by my call. 

"Hello?" He muttered sleepily.

"Sir it's Agent Spivakovsky. I was wondering if I could come in tomorrow. I'm feeling a tad bit under the weather all of a sudden. Is that alright sir?" I said, getting back in my car and leaning my forehead against the steering wheel. 

"Yes, that's fine. Is everything alright? You sound like shit. You were fine earlier when you called me." 

"I don't know what's going on sir. It may be lack of sleep these past few days. Haven't slept since I was discharged on this mission."

"Jesus Christ Dark. You gotta sleep, you're not superhuman. Go home and sleep. Come in after you've rested, even if that means two days from now. That information can wait for two days, but I need you back in that time is that understood?" 

I sighed. I hated not getting things done right away and Mason knew this. 

"Dark? Are you still there?"

"Yes sir. I understand."

"Good. Now go home and rest. That's an order."

"Yes sir. Understood sir."

With that I hung up and started the car once again, glancing toward the trees next to my car and seeing movement in the dark. I didn't stay there any longer and slammed on the gas, speeding out of there and back onto the interstate, not wanting to get caught out here. I was not in the state to fend anyone off at the moment especially if I was caught off guard. 

*Time skip to Dark getting home two hours later*

As I pulled up to my garage I couldn't help but feel that something was off. I turned off the car and slid into the space quietly, grabbing my pistol off the passenger seat. I got out of my car, quietly making my way to the door that opened into my kitchen. I opened the door slowly and slid through the opening, closing it the same way. As I crept toward the living room, a silhouette standing in the middle of the room stopped me in my tracks. 

How the fuck did someone get in here without me knowing? No human could bypass my security that I had in place. 

I raised my gun and pointed it at the figure, wanting to get the jump on whoever was there. I clicked the safety back and their head whipped around to face me. They put their hands up and I flicked on the light next to me, gun still trained on the culprit. 

When light flooded the room I was met with a man slightly shorter than me with dark green hair covering one eye. He was pale and had eyes that seemed to pierce through me and stare into my soul. He smiled at me, revealing white teeth with large canines, similar to my own. 

"Hello Dark." He said, hands still raised.

I was taken aback by the fact that he knew my name and it took me a moment to respond. 

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get in here? How do you know my name?" I said, training the gun on his forehead. 

He chuckled and lowered his hands.

"The name's Anti and it's not that hard to get past your skimpy security measures."

I gestured to his hands with my gun. I wanted to make sure I knew where his hands were at all times since I knew this guy was dangerous. 

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