Everyone's A Little Bit Gay

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Anti's P.O.V.

I heard Dark's door close and laid there on the couch for a moment longer, being sure he was in his room. Once I didn't hear him moving around anymore I sat up on the couch and practically screamed. My inner gay boy was going insane and throwing a party inside my chest. Mason didn't tell me what Dark looked like so I was in no way prepared for the god-like figure that had stood before me. I didn't even notice he had a gun pointed at me at first, I was too busy focusing on his face. There was only a few photos of him around the house I noticed once I got a good look at him. I couldn't understand why he was so cold and distant with me. Then again, Mason did say Dark wasn't easy to get along with and I'd have a lot of trouble with him. 

I looked up to the shelf in front of me and remembered the photo I had tried to show Dark. Who was that with him in the photo? He looked so young and happy with that young man. A family member perhaps? He looked too young to be thinking about love at that point and even so, that man looked to be at least ten years or so his senior, but it wasn't any of my business anyways. I was here to be an informant and just that. 

I stood up and started snooping around the house more since Dark had interrupted my snooping session when he came home. I opened a small chest that was in the corner of the room covered in dust. I was guessing he didn't touch it all that often. Must not be of too much importance to him if he doesn't take care of the box itself then. 

I quietly pushed the lid open and used my phone's flashlight to peer inside the box. I was greeted with trophies, pictures, documents and other small memoirs. I pull the first photo on top out of the box and was greeted by a woman looking at the camera with a beautiful smile, surrounded by flowers. Looking at it closely I could see she looked a lot like Dark. Probably his mother or maybe a sister, but why's it in this box instead of in a frame like the others?

I dug through the box a bit more and found other photos of the same woman and the boy I asked about earlier. I still didn't understand why he got so cold when I asked who he was. Maybe I'll ask him tomorrow, should be a good ice breaker conversation right? 

I put everything back in the box and closed it, wandering upstairs to look for his bedroom. I wanted to see what this man's bedroom looked like. Was it has barren as the rest of his house? He didn't seem to have many personal items besides the photos and what little was in that chest. 

After trying all the doors and peering into the rooms to no avail, I came to the last door in the hall and tried the handle. It was locked. No surprise there, this had to be his room and I don't blame him for locking it. I pulled my lockpick set from my pocket and set to work on the locks, easily picking them in a matter of seconds and very quietly pushing the door open just enough to slip inside the room. 

Once I entered, I could see him lying in his bed, clothes strewn about the floor. I picked up the first item of clothing and recognized it as an under shirt and realized his suit was what was lying on the floor. I crept over to the side of his bed and stared at him for a moment, watching the slight rise and fall of his chest as he slept. He looked so peaceful, the hard lines on his face were gone and he looked content. When we were downstairs I could see the pain cross his face as he spoke to Mason and then it multiply even more when I mentioned the photo. This was a broken man and violent one at that, but deep down there was a soft part that hasn't seen the sun in a long, long time. 

I reached out and touched his deep brown hair, my fingers gliding through the soft locks easily. I would never be able to get this close if he was awake, but I couldn't refrain from touching him. This man was hurting bad and needed someone to be there for him even if he didn't want it or think he needed it and I was going to be that someone. Even though I've only just met him and know he will probably never trust me, I gotta try. If I won't then who will? Besides, if we're going to be working together from now on, what else am I supposed to do?

I was snapped back to reality by Dark moving under my hand that was still tangled in his hair. I stepped back and looked at him for a moment longer before walking out the door again promising something as I left. 

"I won't let anything bad happen to you again Dark. I promise you that I will stay by your side forever until I cannot go any longer. You have my word." 

And with that I relocked his door and walked back down to the living room, curling up under the blanket again and falling asleep to the hum of the refrigerator. 

Dark's P.O.V.

I heard my door open and opened my eyes slightly and see Anti creeping into my room. I didn't move because I didn't feel threatened and instead just laid there waiting to see what he'd do. 

He picked up my undershirt and looked at it for a moment before dropping it back onto the ground and walking over to the side of the bed I was on. He stared at me for a second before reaching out toward my face. It took all of my willpower to not flinch away from his hand and give away the fact that I was awake. I felt his fingers weave their way through my hair and I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing slightly into the feeling of his hand. The lack of human interaction for so many years had taken a toll on me that I hadn't realized existed until now. 

His touch made me melt and I felt okay for the first time since that day. I couldn't understand why I felt this way since I barely knew the man, but I couldn't help but feel that this was okay. For once I finally wanted to be held again, hugged until I fell asleep, but I knew I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't fall in love with the man who stood before me either. It was too dangerous and I couldn't risk losing another person in my life I get attached to. 

I roll over onto my other side to get away from him and try to banish the thoughts that were coming into my head. I felt his hand leave my hair and heard him slowly creep out of the room after a moment, uttering words I will never forget and felt so familiar to me. 

"I won't let anything bad happen to you again Dark. I promise you that I will stay by your side forever until I cannot go any longer. You have my word."

I heard my door close and his footsteps walking back downstairs. When I felt it was safe, the tears started and stained my pillow with sorrow and loneliness. This wasn't happening to me. We've only just met and this was already happening? I had to put a stop to this immediately because this was wrong and would only result in pain for us both. I wasn't going to allow anymore people to be hurt around me, especially because of me. 

He wasn't going to be allowed to fulfill that promise he made because we wouldn't be working together that long, nor would we get close. I refused to let it happen... 


Hey guys! A bit of love-at-first-sight romance being thrown in because why not. Hope the story has been going alright to you guys and any and all feedback is welcome. I've decided to make this a Danti story because it just feels right. Anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day/night. See you in the next chapter!

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