The Broken Side Of Things

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Anti's P.O.V.

I walked upstairs to see if Dark was out of the bathroom so I could change and when I got into the hallway I saw Dark with a towel around his waist, his hair still dripping from his shower. I gasped, squealing in surprise and turned around to sprint back to the living room. I couldn't believe I just saw him like that. My heart leapt into my throat and I started to panic slightly. He had to have heard me... Shit... What was he gonna say when he came back downstairs? Okay, okay, I just need to remain calm. Pretend like everything was alright and nothing was out of the ordinary. That had to work. 

I took a deep breath and walked out the front door to my car to grab a change of clothes since I wasn't going to wear the same clothes for two days. I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, walking back into the house and changing in the middle of the living room. I figured he wasn't going to come downstairs for a few more minutes since he just got out of the shower. 

After changing and putting my old clothes in my car I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V., trying to get my mind off of him. He was so mesmerizing and I hated it. I usually had a hold on myself and learned years ago how to keep my feelings in check, but he seems to have shattered that part of me. I couldn't understand how he did it. He had to be skilled in this... Maybe he used that as a torture method, getting his victim to trust him and become attached before destroying them. It made sense because he clearly knew he wasn't an unattractive person. 

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and focusing on the show on T.V. It was a Rick and Morty episode I hadn't seen yet since I never got the chance to watch T.V. lately. It was the Swifty episode where Rick and Morty had to appease the giant heads in sky on that game show in order to prevent Earth from being blown up. 

About fifteen to twenty minutes into the show I heard Dark come downstairs. He walked in front of me wearing only boxers, carrying the towel I had seen around his waist earlier. I sucked in a deep breath in through my teeth, getting flustered simply at the sight of him. What kind of game was he trying to play? Was this pay back for earlier? 

He disappeared out of my view and came back a few seconds later, sitting next to me on the couch. I fisted my hands tightly on my lap, slightly irritated at him. Why is he doing this to me? I felt him look at me and then focus his attention back on the T.V. I glanced over at him, looking away when I felt he was looking at me. I couldn't stop myself from marveling at this man beside me. What the hell was wrong with me?

When the next episode ended about an hour later he broke the silence between us. 

"You know Anti, pictures last a lot longer. Maybe you should take one." He said, stretching himself out on the couch, his long legs resting on the small table in front of us. 

I was at a loss for words and sputtered, trying to create words. Once I got a hold of my mouth I managed to utter the words, "Well what do you expect Dark? Lounging around with a figure like that people are gonna stare. You have to be used to that by now." 

He laughed at me and looked at me pointedly, making me feel self-conscious.

"Yes, I've had people stare no doubt, but they don't stare as much as you did unless they like what they see and can't get enough of it." He said, facing his body toward me as well. 

I looked at him, my glance dropping low before I settled on his face. I was uncomfortable, feeling like I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar and felt like I needed to escape the tension. 

"I don't know what you're talking about Dark, but I sure as hell wasn't doing that." I got up as I spoke, walking toward the stairs to hide in the bathroom. "I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." 

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