Fuck You

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Dark's P.O.V.

"Dark! Dark wait up! You're walking so fucking fast, bloody hell." 

I slow down my quick paced walk to allow Anti to catch up with my again as I head for the elevator.

"Sorry, I just wanna get the fuck outta here. That meeting pissed me off, it was completely unnecessary and just a reason to try and make you feel like a damn hen in a fox cage. It was completely unfair and uncalled for. I hate things not being fair or right, so I told them exactly what I thought. I refuse to be berated and talked to like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I don't know what it is, but I trust you Anti." 

I press the button for the elevator and the doors open, others stepping out before we go in. Once the elevator doors close after we enter, I pin Anti against the wall of the elevator by his throat, gritting my teeth. 

"Anti, I swear to fucking god, if I have made a damn mistake by trusting you and putting my job and life on the line for a low-life, you had better tell me right fucking now. If I find out you aren't telling me the full truth, I will personally end your fucking life and whatever family you have left. Do you-" 

Anti's face changed from a horrified look to a glare and he shoved me off him, my back hitting the elevator doors. 

"I don't fucking care if you don't trust me Dark. I don't care what the fuck you tell me. I don't even care what you do to me. But you will NOT fucking threaten the one person I care about, do YOU fucking understand that? I'll kill you before you lay a hand on Sean. Are we clear?" 

I stood there for a moment, trying to process the fact that he was able to shove me like that. After I got over my shock, I straightened my suit and cleared my throat. 

"I do hope you know what you just did could have signed your death certificate. We definitely have things to discuss, but those will have to wait until we get to the house as unlike you I know how to be professional in a setting that demands it. As much as I'd like to teach you a lesson in respect at the moment I will refrain from doing so in hopes that you can learn to get your shit in check. You are not in a position to demand things from me Anti. I understand we will be working together on this case, but we are far from being on equal standing here. If you wish to be able to continue living I suggest that you watch that pretty little mouth of yours and keep it fucking shut. I will not agree to anything you tell me, if I see the need to dispose of someone I am going to do it and no one is going to stop me, especially not someone like you."

I saw the pain shoot through his eyes once I said that. I know my words were hurtful, but if I kept him at bay then last night wouldn't reoccur. I didn't like hurting him, but I had no choice, my job and so much more was at stake and I couldn't let him distract me more than he already was. I turned away from him as the elevator doors slid open and walked toward the car, Anti silent beside me. I slid into the car and he followed, still eerily quiet. Not that I expected him to argue, but I expected him to say something.  He was quiet the entire ride home, wouldn't even look at me. He just stared out the windshield not moving and it was really pissing me off. He wouldn't be able to give me the cold shoulder forever. 

I pulled into the garage and left the car after turning it off, not paying any mind to Anti. If he wanted to have a temper tantrum then fine, but I wasn't going to deal with it. As I opened the door from the garage to the kitchen, I felt myself being shoved so I turned around. The moment I did Anti lunged at me, wrapping his hands around my throat and squeezing tightly, digging his nails into my skin. I grabbed him by his own and shoved him down onto the ground, his hands coming free and his face grinding against the carpet. I pinned his hands behind his back and knelt on them, keeping one hand on the back of his head. 

"Anti what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you really think you could get away with that? I will not take being attacked in my own home, do you understand that? I'm going to let you up now and if you dare try attacking me again, you won't like what I do to you next. Are we clear?"

He struggled underneath me, trying to break free from my grasp and growled at me, "Crystal."


I patted his head and got off him, backing away and heading toward the living room. I knew he wouldn't dare lunge at me again so I sat on the couch, waiting for him to follow me. He sat next to me on the couch with his arms folded. 

"I really fucking hate you Dark. I hope you know that."

"Oh do you now? That's not what you said last night when you were in my bed. Might want to reevaluate yourself Anti."

I heard him grind his teeth before responding, "I was drunk and so were you Dark. It meant nothing and you know it. There's no chance of it happening again so I hope you enjoyed your taste because you won't get another."

I turned my head and smirked, "Yeah? How much you wanna bet?"

He looked at me with his brows furrowed, "What?"

"How much do you wanna bet that by the time these two weeks are over you'll be in my bed at least once more."

"Unlikely. What do you suggest we wager?"

"If you don't end up in my bed again in the next two weeks I'll leave you alone and will be strictly professional with you for the rest of our time together."

"And if I do?"

"Well, you're fucked. Let's just say that." I ended my sentence with a sly smirk and got off the couch, heading upstairs toward my office. 

The Darkness Withinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें