Whats love?

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(After you get him all cleaned up)

Greyson's pov:

We were walking down the hallway and I was still in shock that he did that and it was all my fault I start to form tears in my eyes I think Payton noticed cause he stopped and hugged me and asked me whats wrong "I-"I made y-you do t-t-this" I say sobbing "shh no you din't and im sorry" he whispers I cry into his chest and make his shirt soaked I hope he dint mind.We keeped on walking down the hallway but we passed my room "um Payton you passed my room" I said calmly "oh uh I was wondering if you wantedtostaywithme" he says mumbeling the last part I just laugh and nod "you don't need to be nervous to ask me those things you know that right?" he looks down and blushes "did I just make the one and only Payton Moormeier blush?!" he blushes even more and says "No I can not be soft!" he kinda started to get angry I tell him to look at me "Payton stop look at me" his eyes looked like there was anger in them but right when he looked into my eyes his kinda softened "im sorry I just can't go soft" he whispers "hey everybody has feelings even if it's hard to show them" he nods and says "how do you know when you fall in love?" I was a little shocked when he asked me that but I said "well you can't stop thinking about them,you can't stop feeling this burst of energy when your with them and you just know if you fell in love with someone" I say looking at him the eyes he nods and takes my hand and leads me to his room I run over and jump onto his bed and runs over and jumps on me "Payton get off" I say while laughing "never" he says "I will bite you" he just smirked and said "bet" I bite his shoulder "ouch" he says being sarcastic I just laugh he finally gets up and gets to the other side of the bed.

"Do you want to watch something?" he asked I nodded "ok so what do you want to watch?" I almost screamed "OUTER BANKS!!!!" he looked at me and chuckled a little and puts it on.We were about half way thru the first episode when I said "you know what John B and JJ are really hot" Payton looked at me and said "pff yeah no I know someone way hotter then both of them combined" I asked who and he said "is that even a question me duh!!" I just start laughing "yeah in your dreams Moormeier". I snuggled up on Payton I don't think he minded cause he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.My eyes start to get heavy and start to shut then everything goes black.

Payton's pov:
I hear little snores I look down to see Greyson asleep on my chest she looked so peaceful and like an angle.I kiss the top of her head and whisper "I think im in love with you Greyson."

BABESS AHHHHH we hit 400 READS WHAT THE HELL thank you so much!


Kidnapped by Payton Moormeier (FINISHED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя