Chapter 36: Yibo's POV

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"You want to take Xiao Zhan to the training? I am not sure.....I don't think its a good idea ..." Brother said.

"Why not? I mean, he doesn't need to meet them if he says he is not ready but he can sit and watch ... or not?"

"What when there are woman and Xiao Zhan gets a panic attack?" Brother followed up.

"The only woman who could be there are Xuan Lu and Ziyi. And I will make sure they will not come. Then it should be okay, or not?" I asked.

"Hmmm ... Xiao Zhan what do you think? Do you want to join him at tomorrows training?" Brother asked Zhan thoughtful.

Zhan, who only listened quietly to our conversation nodded violently and looked pleadingly at my brother. Brother sighed.

"Alright. We will try this. Xiao Zhan will join you tomorrow. I will accompany him and if I think Xiao Zhan is okay I will take my leave because I have an appointment. Make sure Xuan Lu and Meng Ziyi are not there. If I am not there anymore and Xiao Zhan gets a panic attack or shows any discomfort we will stop it and you bring him home right away. Understand?" Brother said sternly. I nodded happily. Zhan stood up went to my brother and hugged him.

"Your welcome, Xiao Zhan. But this is only a test for the time being. So please, if you feel uncomfortable tell me or Yibo. Don't try to pretend you are okay in front of us. Because this will not help either you nor me or Yibo. Understand?" Brother said and patted his back.

I saw Zhan nodding and agreement.

"Alright. Yibo, I want you to call your trainer and tell him what will happen tomorrow. And tomorrow in school I want you to tell the girls to not come over. Maybe it would be wise to tell Ji Yang as well to not go to close to Zhan without you being around.

I will go and tell my friend I may come later. The appointment I have tomorrow is with Dr. Lan, the old friend of mine I met today. I take place in a hypnosis he will be doing with a patient of his. After wards he will explain the details an everything I need to know.

Is everything clear for tomorrow?" he asked us and we nodded.

"You can let go of me already, Xiao Zhan." Brother chuckled as Zhan did not stop hugging my brother. I got slightly irritated but didn't say anything.

"If you don't, Yibo might get jealous. That means if he is not already. Spare your father." he followed up.

Zhan raised his head and look at me. I pretend that I was not jealous and smiled at him. Zhan stopped hugging my brother and looked at me apologetic while pouting. I started to laugh.

"Its okay. I am the stupid one to get jealous at my brother. You can hug him as much as you want. He is your father after all." I chuckled and brother rolled his eyes.

"If everything is clear go up and take a shower. I will do the same." Brother said and we all left the dining room after cleaning everything up.

Zhan and I went upstairs and took a shower, separately of course.

When I stepped out of my room in search for Zhan I saw him entering his hobby room so I followed him.

"Zhan? You want to draw?" I asked him and he turned around.

>I am not finished with Dr. Liu's painting ... I need to hurry up.<

"Let me guess I am not allowed to see it yet?" I asked him and he smiled while shaking his head. I sighed in defeat. "I will go and call my trainer." I said and left him on his own.

The 2nd Chance (Yizhan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang