Chapter 32: Yibo's POV

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I updated "Character Information 2" ^^ feel free to check it out :)

I woke up when I heard a click sound and when I was able to open my eyes I saw my brother standing in front of my bed with a camera in his hands. I tiredly opened my mouth to complain but he shook his head, put his finger on his lips and pointed next to me. I looked there and smiled.

'Right. My Zhan is here next to me.'  I thought and remembered our conversation last night. 'He loves me too. My Zhan loves me back'  I closed my eyes, cuddled Zhan and fell asleep again.

The next time I woke up I felt fingers gliding over my face and when I opened my eyes I looked straight in Zhan's eyes. Zhan smiled brightly at me.

"Good morning, Zhan" I greeted him and gave him a peck on his lips. I laughed when I saw him turning red.

"If you you two are done being lovey-dovey, wake up. Its already 8am and the breakfast is finished" The voice of my brother sounded and I saw him standing at the door observing us with a smile.

With this comment Zhan got shy and hid under the blanket. I glared at my brother but he just winked and left the room.

"Don't be shy, Zhan." I said and took away the blanked. I gave him a peck on his lips and when he didn't hide I kissed him. I sucked his lips softly and licked slightly over them. 'I hope he will soon kiss me back and not just lay there being shocked like this. Of course it will take time.... everything is new to him. I will wait for you Zhan.I thought. When I felt his hand on my shoulder pushing me slightly I stopped and looked deep in his eyes while smiling. Then I put my mouth next to his ear.

"What do you think, Zhan? Should we take a shower together or is it too early for that?" I whispered. Of course I was just teasing him but he looked so adorable with his wide eyes and red cheeks. He jumped out of the bed and run to his room while I started laughing.

Meanwhile three weeks passed since Zhan came to us. He is still hates strangers and hides whenever someone else than me or my brother is close to him but smiles a lot more than at the beginning. As for the .... relationship between Zhan and me.... There is nothing more than just a little kiss now and then. He still is very shy I found it just too cute. I like him being this shy in front of me. 

My brother tested him on his knowledge and .... What should I say, he is a genius. He can solve various exercises which are taught at university and even in there not everyone can solve them. I am really proud. When we asked him why he can solve them that easily he shrugged and told us he reads much and was always that smart. If I didn't knew him better I would say he is arrogant.

When he starts school in the future he can attend university already .... with 16!! I can see he desperately want to go there, together with me, but he is still scared of woman. What do you expect... in the last three weeks my brother tried many ways to find out what happened to Zhan but nothing worked. Zhan just didn't know. I could see Zhan getting more upset with himself with each day.

I went to back to train with Trainer Lu and my team and it was as promised. Lu Fei didn't show up. Unfortunately in school I did not have that much luck. I felt her gaze on me from time to time and I saw her approaching me two times already. But of course my friends protected me by pulling me away or sending her away. One time I even had a letter from her in my locker. 

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