Chapter 3: 3rd POV

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Haikuan waited till Yibo went back to his room and then continued reading the file:

Name: Xiao Zhan

Age: around 15 (speculated)

Parents: Unknown. An old couple brought him here. Probably his grandparents.

Birthday: No Information. His grandparents only said he is 5 years old. So we decided that his birthday will be the day he was brought to the orphanage.

Characteristics: He is not talking. We don't know if he can speak or not. He hides in his room and looks out of the window.

Likes: He likes reading and drawing

Dislikes: being around other people, eye contact, when he is being touched a lot.

'Hmmm...he really is a special case' Haikuan thought. After he finished reading he got into his car and drove to the Lotus Orphanage. 

* Lotus Orphanage *

When Haikuan arrived there two hours later, a few little kids came running to greet him and he smiled. A female teacher came to him as well. "Hello Mister, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I would like to speak with the director here. He is awaiting me."

"You must be the new doctor. Well, this way please," she said a little bit annoyed.

"It seems like you don't want me to be here?" Haikuan guessed. 

"Its .... its not like that. I know you are here because of Xiao Zhan. A few other doctors came before and tried to help but no one was able to. I would be happy if you succeed, that goes without saying, but it will be difficult. The poor boy hates to be around others and if he has to meet new people all the time ...." the teacher explained apologetically.

"Xiao Zhan will be the one who suffers. I understand that but I really just want to help." finished Haikuan.

"I know. The director told us you are specialized in this kind of cases so I really hope you can get through our Zhan." She led Haikuan to the director's office and excused herself. Haikuan knocked on the door. 

"Come in," the director said. He entered. "Ah, you must be Dr. Liu Haikuan. Welcome to Lotus Orphanage" the director greeted him.

"Thank you" Haikuan smiled.

"Well, I am happy to meet such a famous doctor. I really hope you can help. Xiao Zhan deserves to be happy as well." the director said.

"Of course. I will try my best. I read the file this morning and my colleague Dr. Wu already told me about his visit and his experience with Xiao Zhan. But I still have some questions before I meet him." Haikuan explained.

"Go ahead, Dr. Liu"

"Well, first I would like to know what happened to his grandparents. The couple brought him here but only said the age and name of Xiao Zhan?"

"Yes. They came here and told us he is 5 years old and they cant raise him anymore as he doesn't speak. We tried to find them again so they can tell us a bit more about Xiao Zhan but unfortunately, we weren't able to. They didn't even tell us where they live or any other kind of information. They just left." 

"Hmm ... how many times he got adopted and was sent back afterward?" Haikuan asked.

"A lot. About 9 times? Every time someone wants to adopt him we tell them about Xiao Zhan's characteristics. I am not sure if they even listened to me. They wanted to adopt him no matter what after seeing him once. And I think that is probably due to his looks....".

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