Prologue 2: 3rd POV

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*Three years later*

"Wangji. Your wounds are healed and uncle said you can leave Jingshi again."

"Please say something Wangji..."

"Listen. You can get through that. Do you hear me? I will help you. Just please speak to me."

Xichen tried his best to talk to his brother but to no avail. In the last three years he reacted to nothing. The only times he got to hear his brother's voice and seeing him move was at night, when he was sleeping. He dreamed of Young Master Wei. He called his name and smiled. 

But the moment he woke up he didn't speak nor reacted. He knew that his brother was in a dangerous state. 

At the beginning he tried to go back to the cliff. He wounded some disciples who tried to stop him. They took away his Bichen just to be sure. Xichen looked at his little brother and stroke his head.

"Wangji... Young Master Wei is dead. Sect Leader Jiang tried to look for him too but found nothing but Chenqing and a few bones. He took Chenqing with him. And Suibian is with Sect Leader Jin. Please Wangji wake up! Talk to me please." Xichen pleaded while holding his little brothers hand.

There was no response. But if Xichen would have looked just a little bit closer he would have seen the tears falling from Lan Wangji's eyes.

Xichen heard someone entering the Jingshi and looked up.

"Sect Leader, there is someone at the gates wishing to meet Hanguang-Jun" a disciple explained.

"Who is it" Xichen asked him.

"A woman. She calls herself MianMian."

"WangJi cant meet anyone. Tell her to come back later."


The disciple walked away. 'MianMian? Who is that, Wangji?' Xichen thought.

A few minutes later the disciple came back.

"What is it again?"

"Sect Leader. She asks to meet you. She has something to say."

Xichen was curious so she went to meet that woman. The moment he saw her he remembered. 'She is the woman who spoke for Young Master Wei and was kicked out of her sect for that.'

"What can I do for you?"

"Sect Leader Lan" MianMian bowed to him. "Why can I not speak to Hanguang-Jun"

"He is not himself at the moment. He does not react to anything. Therefore you cant." Xichen explained. "How can I help you?"


"Lady MianMian?"

"Its .... Its like this ....Hanguan-Jun ... he brought a little boy with high fever to me three years ago right before the big battle. He asked me to look after him and told me the boy is the last survivor of the Wen Clan. He was dear to Young Master Wei and to himself too. So I should watch after him till he comes back. Then he wants to adopt him. But he never came. That's why I tried to find him on my own."

"....." Xichen was deep in thoughts.

'Maybe ....' After a while, he had an idea.

"Lady MianMian can you bring this boy .... What is his name?"

"Wen Yuan," answered MianMian.

"Yes, Ayuan. Can you bring him here tomorrow? Maybe he can help me bring back my brother." Xichen asked.

MianMian thought for a while. 'Ayuan is always asking for his Xian-Gege and Rich-Gege. And if I can help Hanguang-Jun ... I have to bring him here.'

"All right I shall do that."

At night Xichen was still sitting next to his little brother while reading books about medicine to try to find a way to bring Wangji and his mind back as he did almost every night.

"Wei Ying..." he heard his brother speaking. When he looked at him he saw him smiling. 'Are you dreaming about him again, Wangji? Do you miss him that much? What about AYuan? What about me Wangji... don't you want to see me too?' Xichen asked in his mind.

"Don't run. Wait for me. Let me come too"

Xichen smiled and stroke Wangji's head. Then he started reading again and listened to his brother's breathing. It calmed him down.

After a while, Xichen thought that something wasn't right. But what was it?

It took a while for him to realize it. He didn't hear Wangji's breathing anymore. He froze, the book fell out of his hand. He looked at Wangji. 

To be continued...


I would be happy about comments and votes. :)

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