Chapter 24: Yibo's POV

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Here I am as I promised :)

I think its time for the confused Yibo to have a serious conversation with his brother... 

Lets get it started it and have fun :D

"That is unfair! You had so much fun and I?" I complained.

"You what? You love your training." my brother said.

"Yes, but today was different. Its .... nevermind. Don't you dare go without me the next time! Or I will run away from home!" I threatened.

"Fine, run away then. I will have Xiao Zhan for myself and we will do a lot more funny things together" my brother said and smiled at me.

"Why do you always have to have the last word? Cant you let me win at least once?" I pouted and my brother starts laughing.

Only Zhan didn't react and when I looked at him I saw he fell asleep already. His head laid on a big stuffed animal. 'This boy really...'  I smiled.

"He can sleep everywhere. That is a talent too. But he sure gets tired really fast. No wonder. We did so much today and he ate so little. We have to get him to eat more as of tomorrow. And we have to do more exercise. Every day a little more." My brother said and stood up. He walked to Zhan and wanted to lift him up. I stopped him right away.

"I will bring him to bed! I already said its my duty." I said and took Zhan in my arms.

"I forgot. Then do it. I will bring the bunnies to their new home" he said while shaking his head. He took the bunnies and walked away but before he stepped out of the room I stopped him. 

"Brother?" I said.

He turned around and when he looked at me he came back immediately. "What is wrong? Why do you look so worried. Did something happen today?"

"Yes. No.... I mean ... can we talk later? I will bring Zhan to bed first but I really have to talk with you. I need your advice. Do you have time?" I asked him nervously.

"I will always have time for my little brother. Wait in your room. I will come after I took care of the bunnies." he said to me while smiling and walked away but I stopped him again.

"Thank you. But brother ...." I said.

He turned around.

"Don't you think it would be better to bring all bunnies to the garden instead of just 4?" I asked while smiling and pointed to one white fluffy bunny who tried to jump up my leg. 

"He seems to be a wild one....How did this happen?" my brother asked slightly confused and took the bunny. "Alright. Now I have them all. Yibo bring Zhan to bed. Lets meet in your room." With that he left the room and I carried Zhan in his.

I gently laid him in his bed, took of his shoes and socks and covered him with the blanket. Then I sat there watching him sleep. 'I guess he had a lot of fun today. Next time, no matter what, I have to go with them!'  I thought and kept on watching him.

The door opened and my brother walked in with the stuffed bunny and chuckled when he saw me still sitting here. He put the bunny next to the bed and checked on Zhan as well. He seems to be satisfied and looked at me.

"He should be fine. Lets go to your room and talk" he whispered and both of us walked out of Zhan's room.

Before he followed me, he went down to the kitchen and made some hot cocoa for us. He gave me one cup and we both made us comfortable on my bed. I took a sip and thought about how to start this conversation. My brother seems to realize that and waited for me to talk.

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