Coffee to go- 3.8

Start from the beginning

This statement of her's had gotten Nathalie intrigued, "...Would you really leave your sister out in the mud?.."

Cheng Bi Yu lips formed a devilish grin, "..Gladly! Anything to make her tremble beneath my feet," she recites, "..There's a saying that I strongly believe in. An enemy of an enemy is a friend-"

"..And you Nathalie are my golden ticket to watch that snake crumble.." Cheng Bi Yu spoke a dark glint in her eye they dart to the unwavered Nathalie,"..You still seem unconvinced," she dryly laughs, "..Of course your trust is hard to come by. But I assure my words aren't empty vases..."

"...And if you're still not convinced I'll bring you all the proof you'll need and more. I'll be out of town for a couple of days but rest assured I won't disappoint," Cheng Bi Yu turned to leave, "..How will I contact you?.." Nathalie shuts.

"..I'll contact you-" Cheng Bi Yu replies her back still turned to Nathalie. Her hand grips the handle, "..You better not be playing me! I swear if I find out you're playing me so help me god! I'll become your worse nightmare!.."

Cheng Bi Yu turned her head to the side glancing back a smirk forming on her lips, "..I'm looking forward to our corporation," she left leaving a stone faced Nathalie behind.

Entering back inside Cheng Bi Yu is ambushed by a worried Priyanka, "..It took you a pretty long time to take out the garbage-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu replied, "..You know had to make sure it was disposed of properly," Cheng Bi Yu washing her hands heads behind the counter getting back to work.


"..We're getting on that!.." Cheng Bi Yu gawks pointing at the black helicopter that was parked on a private strip.

Carter couldn't help but chuckle amused by his cute employee, "..It's an island remember. How else are we suppose to get there..." Carter stepped forth swinging the door open he loads their luggage in the back seats.

Cheng Bi Yu looked at the helicopter wide eyed then dryly gulps, "..You're not scared of flying are you?" Carter asked witnessing her changed demeanor.

"..A little-" Cheng Bi Yu nervously lied getting into the helicopter.

"..Quickly strap up-" Carter instructs as he clicks the control panel. "Do you really know how to fly this thing?-" Cheng Bi Yu questioned quite anxious she uncomfortably shifted in her seat.

Carter response was, "..I did three years of flight school in the period of my life when I wanted to be a pilot so I'm very confident in my flying skills,"

"..Let's just hope that confidence of yours doesn't kill us," Cheng Bi Yu grimly said as the helicopter lifts off the ground, "If I die I'll haunt you.." she made a declaration.

The higher their altitude the more she became anxious Cheng Bi Yu squeezed her eyes shut her nails digging into her seat.

Seeing her noticeable scared Carter calming spoke, "..You can hold onto me if that'll make you feel better," his tender voice reaches her ear. Her green eyes shot open she nods taking up his offer she scoots closer grabbing onto his bicep taking advantage she rested her head on his shoulder, "...Do you feel any better?-" Carter asked his eyes focused ahead.

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu sighed, "..I'd feel a heck lot better if I could see something," the sky that night
was over casted with thick clouds and the usual night fog didn't help as it only increased her nerves.

They had just entered the horizon of the island labeled X. Cheng Bi Yu gawks her green orbs brightly sparkled taking in the breathtaking view of the island.

Carter gears the helicopter into landing securely parking it on the ground. Cheng Bi Yu sighed in relief letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She unfastened her seatbelt swinging open the door getting off the helicopter was a relief but when her feet touched the ground her legs became jello.

Carter unboards their luggage placing the suitcase on the ground at the same time both Cheng Bi Yu and Carter grabbed the handle of her suitcase their hands made contact.

Cheng Bi Yu eyes dart up to his face Carter instinctively retreats the handsome youth awkwardly cleared his throat, "..Let me carry that for you-" he offered Cheng Bi Yu was about to reject when Carter hand once again grabbed the handle of her suitcase, "Un." She agreed slipping her fingers out from under his.

"..What about the helicopter?-" Cheng Bi Yu wondered were they really going to leave it there?

"..That. Someone will fetch it tomorrow," Carter replied then asked witnessing Cheng Bi Yu momentarily shiver, "..Cold?"

"Un." Carter pulled off his jacket throwing it over get shoulders, "Aren't you afraid of freezing?.." Carter shook his head replying in his head, 'For you I'd freeze a thousand times'

Carter carried their bags he walks ahead leading them towards the dock where a sleek white boat awaited them. Carter loads the luggage onto the boat he gets in, "Careful.." he held Cheng Bi Yu's hand helping her abroad.

Once Cheng Bi Yu was seated Carter went towards the controls pressing the panel he ignited the engine speeding off.

Carter carefully docks the boat getting out he turns offering his hand to Cheng Bi Yu who seemingly struggled with her luggage arriving to the town's square, "..Welcome to Birch Island!.." though struggling Cheng Bi Yu excitedly looked around.

The two are then picked up by a driver and driven to the Young's matriarch estate.

"..Wow!-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed looking out the window of the now parked car she was completely memorized by the estate's enchanting Victorian architecture.

"..Just wow!-" Cheng Bi Yu exits the car taking a closer look while Carter unloads the trunk. "Get moving Ms. Chao," Carter brushed past he leading the way Cheng Bi Yu obediently walked behind her green eyes sparkled scanning the estate's details.

Carter dropped the bags to the floor a old looking woman possibly in her early fifties comes running towards them extending her arm she pulls Carter into a bone crushing hug, "..Young Master it's so nice to see you again," the slightly grey haired woman retracts observing the youth, "..You've gotten taller I still remember when you were just this tall," she gestured to her hips making the comparison.

The middle-aged woman's peculiar kiwi marble green eyes dart to the quiet Cheng Bi Yu with an wholesome smile, "..And who may this be?-"

Carter endearing eyes turned to Cheng Bi Yu, "..Greta this is-" he took her hand dainty hand in his, "..This is my-"

Cheng Bi Yu eyes glued to the familiar looking regal man who elegantly walks down the ominous wooden staircase once he was at the last step their eyes made contact, "..C-christopher?" she blurts out.

"..Ms. Emerson!-" the Young family's old matriarch voice cracked as he was unable to hide his shock, "It's really you right?-" Christopher swiftly puts puts on his gold framed eyeglasses.

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu answered giving a respective bow, "..The world it's really quite small. Don't you think?-" the old matriarch chuckled swooping in for a hug, "..It's tiny!-" he remarks.

"..Incredibly tiny-" Cheng Bi Yu mumbled underneath her breath. What are the odds that Christopher would turn out being Carter's filthy rich grandfather?

Both Greta and Carter exchanged confused looks, "-How do you two know each other?" Carter asked his perfect straight brows arched his forehead wrinkled.

Christopher breaks the awkward atmosphere around them he simply clicked his tongue, "..On one of my secret trips I visited your Cafe someone had split my coffee," Christopher puts on a wholesome smile, "..And the wonderful Ms. Emerson here offered me another free of charge-"

Carter takes back her hand in his then intertwined their fingers, "..As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," his eyes dart you his amused grandfather, "Emerson's my girlfriend..." he proudly held up their intertwined hands.

"..Nice to see my grandson have excellent taste like his grandfather. Welcome to the family Ms. Emerson we'll treat you accordingly!.." Christopher jet black eyes sparkled the old matriarch was overjoyed at the splendid news and was beyond glad he didn't have to use much energy as the two simply came together like magnets.

"..You two must be tired from your long journey," Christopher placed his cold hands in his pockets, "- Greta help them to their room..." the old matriarch said eyeing his majestic last dynasty wall clock. Greta nods then immediately scattered to her feet, "..Follow me please-"

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