Chapter 9- Boyfriend?

Start from the beginning

"Dad's favorite place" John B says

"And mine" I add.

We pull into the road outside of the lighthouse which was surronded by a gate. There was a sign on it that said closed due to the hurricane.

"Right so you guys are going to post up and look out for bogeys okay?" John b say's as we all get out of the van and look at the lighthouse.

"Wait... why me?" JJ ask.

"because you're not coming" Pope stated.

"Why?" JJ whined.

"Because there are dependant and independant varibles. You're independant we don't know what you would do." Pope explains to JJ

"Is it really that bad to hang out with me for a few minutes" I say joking . "Rude" JJ laughs and so do I.

"Pope you keep an eye on both of them." John B says Pope groans.

"If we get split up we meet at JJ's house" Kie adds in as they walk over and hop the fence.

"I'm going to go to the van and work on my essay, don't let me see you two make out" Pope says. My mouth drops, how does he know? I look at JJ and he looks back at me with the same face.

"How do you-" I start to question Pope.

"Oh please it's so obvious" Pope scoffs. JJ just shrugs and starts playing with his hackey sack.

"Do John b or Kie know?" I ask worried that they'll find out.

"Nah they don't pay that much attention, and don't worry I won't tell" He reasures me climbing into the driver seat of the van.

"He's too smart for his own good" JJ says leaning against the tree. I cross my arms and start worring about what John b would do if he finds out. My brother is very overprotective, that's why he made the rule. JJ's his best friend if he found out it would not be good.

"Hey, hey it's okay" JJ says in a soothing tone. "i'm good at hiding stuff from John B" He remarks pulling me into his arms and looking down at me. I had my chin propped on his chest looking at him and into his bright blue eyes.

" I feel horrible keeping this from John B" I say looking up at him.

"I know you do" He says kissing my head. We both sit down next to eachother next to the tree.

"what are we doing JJ" I ask turning to him.

"what do you mean" He ask with a confused face. I take a deep breathe. I don't want to mess anything up but I can't not know what we are.

"What are we? am I just another girl that your gonna hook up with and then leave because If that's the case I don't think I can." I say to him my face is heating up and heart is beating fast in anticipation. He slightly chuckles.

"what?" I say embarrassed as I look down at my feet and play with some grass. He takes his hand and bring my face to look at him.

"well I was kinda hoping you were my girlfriend" He says with a smile. I nod before smashing my lips onto his. As we pull apart I hear police sirens in the distance. JJ hops up then gives me his hand helping me up. We hop in the back of the van.

"should we wait?" I ask looking around.

"We aren't going to be helpful if we're in jail" Pope says as he drives away. I drop off pope and JJ off at popes dads so they can work on something. JJ begs me to stay but I really just want to go home. I park the van and walk in. The front door is still open and everything is a mess. I turn on some music and sing while cleaning. I use the broom as a microphone. Until John b comes in interupting my dance party.

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