Chapter 6: Figure it Out Part 2

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Before entering the doctors building, Mike has this strange feeling going down his spine. It's hard to describe. It's a creepy ass place. A person that likes look John walks out. "John!" Mike yells, but that person paces away. Sophie and Mike arrive at Dr. Henderson's office. The secretary tells them that the doctor will be with them momentarily. She knew not to mess with Sophie. As Mike waits for Henderson, his mind runs like a jaguar attacking its prey. Why can't I sleep? He asks himself. While Sophie talks to the secretary, Mikes plays on his cellphone. He enjoys playing games and watching videos on the 'Tube.' They have been waiting for a while now. Sophie had enough of this bullshit. "Where is he now?" Sophie said angrily. The person who was in with the doctor runs out and it was Mike's turn now.

Dr. Henderson comes out to get Mike. Sophie observed something different about Dr. Henderson. Dr. Henderson looked like a different doctor from when Mike was born. He looked physically different and acted different then she remembered, but she ignored it. It's been a long time ago. Before Mike went in the exam room, Sophie whispers to Mike, "Tell the doctor everything." The doctor takes Mike into the exam room and asks Mike what's wrong. Mike tells him everything. From the strange feeling to hearing abnormal sounds. He just stares at Mike from head to toe like a printer scanning a paper. Dr. Henderson says, "Mike it sounds like you have problems sleeping. I'll give you medication and we will see what happens." "Dr., are you sure?" Mike said. That only took like two seconds. Mike knew that he didn't have a sleeping problem but he just agreed and was going to give it a try.

Mike walked out of the doctor's office expecting a little more advice and tests on him but what could he possibly do? The doctor can't feel what he's feeling. Mike told Sophie what the doctor told him. Sophie was surprised. Sophie was also expecting more exams to be done. Also, she was expecting more questions to be asks, especially with such high copays. The doctor recommended Mike to take one pill for a week and after that week take two pills which might help Mike "sleep." She was going to consider it as well. Mike knew the medication isn't going to help. Mike tries to avoid medication at all cost. Even when he has a huge headache, he discards medicine. He believes that a headache should leave on its own. It's Mike's philosophy which he believes in. If your body could fight a sickness on its own, it can fight anything. But with medicine it defeats the body on fighting "naturally." However, they are times when you need medication, like when you get extremely sick and are about to die. In Mike 's case, he will give it a go and see what happens.

Mike knew that his mother was hiding something from him but him played along. Why would she allow him to take medication Henderson prescribed? Who knows the side effects are or what it contains? The side effects could be mood changes, seizures or even death. Sophie and Dr. Henderson did not even exchange a single word during the doctor's visit. They made heavy eye contact. Maybe they can talk telepathically.

The night is coming Mike's way and he's excited and somewhat nervous to see if the pills will work. He moves onto reading everything on tablets label because he's curious to find out what it says. He pretends like he knows what it says. For some reason Mike feel as if the pills are useless. Something is telling him "don't take the pills, it is bullshit." He must give it a try and then he hears a voice saying with a giggle "that's not gonna help you, you don't need are going to...." Who's playing with me now? People know that He's very gullible. He walks out of his room, looking around but nobody is around. He looks outside and still he don't see anyone. "Who are you? Show yourself?" Mike yell out and none answers. He hears someone walking towards his room.

Someone knocks at Mike's door. "May I come in?" It's Sophie. She most probably heard Mike scream. "You ready for tonight?" Sophie said. Mike was about to say, ready for what but remembered the medication. "I will do anything for a good night's sleep," he told Sophie. He hears laughing again and this time he knew who it is. "Lori!" Mike yelled like an insane person. Mike continued, "this shit isn't funny!" Lori runs with fright on her face. Sophie storms out to comfort Lori. Lori has learned the 'funny' games' from TV. TV shows present negative influence a towards the teens and how cartoons can teach and effect the teens one make them imitate on the negative features which then gets embedded with their own prejudice and lifestyle. While lying in bed, the thought of seeing a person that looked like John from the office came back to Mike's mind.

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