Chapter 4: It Came Back?

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That following morning, John got Mike thinking about what he said the other night, "They are calling you from mars," and what the hell, a mermaid.

What did he mean by that? John plays lots of video games and watching too much TV. He is just messing with him. As once he told him, he was watching TV and it was how someone got taken up to space, perhaps mars. Why would he call Mike a mermaid? Doesn't he know mermaids are part female and part fish? The idea of all this this got Mike exhausted, so he laid in bed with the thought of his episodes happening again.

As dawn begins to rise, Mike has a sense of relief that his incidents weren't coming back. He wasn't sure if it wasn't coming back forever. Mac, a longtime friend of his hits him up. He decides to go somewhere with Mac. Mac tells Mike something important came up and must be taken care of. It's a good thing he's not alone because if his incidents would come back, he'll be able to help him, and he wouldn't be alone and scared. Mac is a person he trusts in and if anything happens to him, Mac has his back. A place where it's peace and quiet.

Mac told Mike that a couple of his friends wanted to come but he knows why he doesn't want them to come, it's because he doesn't like those people. They were planning to go out of town, somewhere away for the city and culture. Mac wanted to get away from the Big Apple where there is so much things going on.

Before we began the drive, Mac says, "don't make a mess in my car."

The drive is a few hours away. Mac's car is a nice luxury car. The one where the door opens upwards and the car drives itself. The car also drives at a very fast speed in a short time span. After a long drive, we arrived at our destination which looked like a place people would get murdered. A scene out of a horror movie. It looked like a place full of nature, perhaps the country.

There wasn't any TV, like "Breaking New: Our President or this pop star had a baby." As soon as Mike exited the car, he had the freshest breath he ever had in his life.

As they went to the nearby store, they noticed people with their fashion clothing. He didn't want to be one of those people. He have some nice clothing but there aren't so fancy.

A Bystander said, "Do you like my Pucci purse?"

Mike don't even know what that is until she clarified it to me. She tells him it's one of the biggest band names out there. She continues to say that the purse was expensive which she is still paying for. If it's so classy, why bring it to a place where there is nature? Nature is about beauty and peace. It's a place where you can see gorgeous animals and enjoy the forest. The person continues to say she had to buy it because there was a picture of a beautiful popular lady on the cover outside the store. Mike can't understand why that would make people buy the purses.

He's pretty sure that "beautiful popular lady" in the picture doesn't appear to be like that. He bets it's really a guy with a lot of makeup on. The persons consider that she might become a "popular lady" because she's has the purse. People in the store asks Mike if he brought anything stylist with him , and he said "No!"

They started to tease him for not bring "band name" with him, still he didn't care what they said.

"What the hell is wrong with people?" Mike told Mac. He didn't want to comment about it so I just forget about it.

At times those ideas make him wonder what's with our society .They were staying in a beautiful bungalow Upstate. The owner of the place shows them around, he seems like a nice person. The owner comes with someone who is this pale guy, skinny with anger of his face. A lot of people wanted our place but they ended up getting it. Anyhow, the view is so magnificent and the place around it was occupied with green all around it.

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