Chapter 5: Figure It Out Part 1

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Mike's arm is hanging outside of the car while his favorite music is play as they drive back home from the trip. Knowing it was cold as hell that didn't stop Mike. He can't get enough of the beautiful nature that's in front of him. It will be missed. After a long drive home, Mike and Mac finally got back home. They say their goodbyes, until next time. It was nice catching up with Mac and solving a mystery that got them terrified but at the same time excited.

The second Mike walked in the house, Sophie said, "My baby is home, oh I missed you so much." Sophie hasn't seen Mike in days and she often call him a lot but this time he told her that him and Mac didn't bring technology with them on the trip, especially their cell phones. His mother made his favorite, French toast. The radio on the way home from the trip was describing the delicious cinnamon treats so it also got him in the mood for French toast. They always make you hungry! Mike enjoys eating with his parents, and Lori breakfast together as a family. He enjoyed it because he can spend time with them and catch up on life. Mike was so happy to be home yet so petrified from his outbreaks happening. If it happens tonight, he must figure it out.

The night is approaching, he's preparing for the strange experiences. he starts to lay down and it begins to happen. he thinks to myself, "Why is this always happening to me?" Then he yells on the top of his lungs, "Why?" He shouts quite loud, he sure someone heard him. Plus, the windows are open. The nice cold air feels great. He quickly hears steps coming to his room. "Mike, what's wrong with you?" Mike pretend like he doesn't hear his mother. She asks him again with attitude this time. She wouldn't leave until he responses to her. She's one of those mothers. He forged as if he was sleeping but she sensed he wasn't sleeping or couldn't sleep. He don't want her to know. She might think her son is crazy or psycho. Sometimes parents don't understand. Sophie was standing outside  Mikes room and she wouldn't leave until Mike replies. "You don't want me calling your dad, do you?" Now Mike's starting to get nervous. "No, not my dad, Jack," Mike said. He's badass.

Mike heard some crazy and creepy things about his dad. Jack is like a saint, that's what people believed he is. Mike overheard Sophie and Jack quarreling. Mikes parents never have an argument. They only have an argument if it's a serious issue and Sophie feels it is. Mike was curious to see what's going on with his parents. At the same time, Mike doesn't want his parents to see him spying on them. Mike recalls that he has this technology that he can us to spy on them. Mike quickly runs upstairs and gets his gadgets and sets them up. He runs a way like a small fish about to be eaten by a huge fish. Mike heard that Jack is planning a trip with his buddy's. They would be traveling via airplane. Apparently, they would travel with a helicopter. His mom didn't want him to go with a helicopter. His dad insisted that they must go. Sophie was begging him not to go. Jack didn't listen and went anyways.

As Jack and his mates were flying to their location something wasn't looking so fine. "Attention, we have a huge issue," the pilot said. Jack knows when you're on a plane in middle of the air thousands of feet up and you hear that, it's never turns out well. The helicopter is about to end up in an unknown location and they all might die. The aircraft ends up crashing in flames. Sophie is in the living room with the TV on. She is in the middle of watching her soap shows when the TV begins to say, "Breaking News: a helicopter has crashed in an unknown place and may be a dangerous site as well. People in the plane may be die or in critical conditions." As Sophie was watching the news she begins to cry heavily. The media may have made it sound more worst then it really is. Jack hasn't heard anything for a day now. For days, there was no words about Jack. In the helicopter, the crash he was the only one who survived this fire. Parts of the sites were blow up. He was unconscious for a while but woke up. He was trying to save his friends who were all burnt up and in pieces. He seemed like he didn't have a scratch on him, not even a drop of blood. Now he was in a bad place with people walking around. This was a place of poverty and people needed anything they can find. Jack didn't have any weapons on him so as those men came across him, he faked as if he was died. Nevertheless, these folks weren't stupid, they checked if everyone was died. After checking everyone they saw Jack on the floor, the poked him. He didn't answer back, so what now? They stole everything Jack had on him. Jack acted like he was died. He didn't move a muscle. 

It's been a week since Sophie heard anything about Jack. She thought he was died. The love of her life. She can't believe the thoughts running through her mind at this moment. Even though they had a big agreement, she wish she can see him just one more time. Unexpectedly someone is at the door, but who? Sophie wasn't expecting anyone. She opens it and it's her husband, Jack who seems to be wet and exhausted. Sophie was so happy to see him, she passed out. Jack ends up tell her the whole story, but she asks him how he got home. He told Sophie that he swam through the ocean for fairly some time, like part man, part fish- a manmaid. Mike was intrigued of what he heard and sure scared as hell from him.

As Mike recall what he been told about his dad, he without a doubt replies. "Mom, I have a huge problem. It's not a little problem. It's been going on for a while now and I don't know why I didn't tell you right away." That moment when Mike told her what is happening, she was pleased that his is opening to her. "You know you can tell me anything, I'm your mother. If you have a problem tell me, I will try to help you." Sophie stop Mike from continue, "Is it woman issues?" Mike pauses for a second and confused. Without waiting any longer, he is finally going to tell her everything. "Mom, I can't sleep. It's been going on for a long period of time now. It works like this: I lay on my bed turning around trying to fell asleep and all my incidences, without a warning it comes about. I hear strange sounds and feel peculiar. I often get this color on me and I don't know what that is." Mike had enough of this already. 

This had Sophie thoughtful about what happened with Dr. Henderson when Mike was born. How Dr. Henderson said something was wrong the second Mike come out of her womb. This issue might bite her in the ass now. He proposed that everything will be fine, so why did he do some much research on him? The flash back of this horror had Sophie thinking. Should she tell Mike what happened. She didn't want to tell Mike until he goes to a doctor or other medical professionals. Sophie never mention anything to Mike about what happened to him when he was born. She as well thought its nothing, it may be something.

As Sophie recalls the past, she notices Mike is starting to get freaked out. It's doesn't turn out well when someone takes a long time to answer back. "Mike we will have to go to the doctor. The first thing in the morning we will go to the doctor. I would take you now but it's really late." Now, I have no way out of going to the doctor, the doctor might think I'm crazy. My mother took a while to riposte, that made me think that she may feel that I'm insane. In hindsight, she did not suspect that her son is crazy. "By the way son, I don't think you're crazy in anyway." By hearing that, Mike felt better about himself and was ready to go to the doctor in the morning.
As the sunrises, Sophie rise as well. As she was getting ready for the doctor, she thought to herself. "Maybe he has dreams to often that resemble him feeling a strange sound and odd feeling. And the color, what the hell is that? I don't see anything on him or in his bed when I checked. I guess we will figure this out." Its morning and Sophie call the doctor's office without a second to spear. She calls the office; the secretary picks up. "Good Morning; doctor's office may I help you? If it's an emergency, please hung up and call 911." This place is usually busy, Sophie hopes it's not.

There is a pause on the phone line for a few second. After, Mike's mom says, "I need to bring my son to the doctor as soon as possible?!" My mother doesn't even say "hi,' she just gets to the point. The secretary says, which doctor?" My mom says, "Dr. Henderson, primary doctor." The secretary continues to say, "Sorry, ma'am we don't have an appointment for your son today. The doctor is booked. If this is an emergency..." My mother stops the desk employee from finishing what she was saying and says, "I don't care, I will be there in an hour with my son there better be an appointment for my son to see Dr. Henderson, his primary doctor. I can't make you an appointment if there isn't any appointment available. This is the rules." You hear another office worker hesitating and replies, "I'll see you then." My mother gets what she wants. She is one of those who wants something to happen, it will happen.

We arrive at Dr. Henderson's office and the secretary tells us to come in right away. She didn't tell us take a sit or wait. She knew not to mess with my mother. Before I went in the exam room my mother whispers to me, "Tell the doctor everything." The doctor takes me in to the exam room and asks me what's wrong. I tell him everything and he just stares at me, then he says, "Mike it sounds like you have problems sleeping. I'll give you medication and we will see what happens." Mike knew he didn't have a sleeping problem, but he just agreed and was going to give it a try.

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