Chapter 3: It Stopped

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It's been days since Mike had those episodes, and wanted to celebrate. It comes to his attention that it's too early to party. What if it comes back soon, then what? Now, he's starting to get bothered by why it stopped.

It was going on for a while and all of the sudden, it just stops. "I have to tell someone about this, but who? I don't know who to tell. "

He has plans with his buddy, John that night. Mike knows him for a while now and they tell each other everything, most of the time. It's a gorgeous night, where you really don't need a heavy coat, you need a light sweater. Those are the best nights.

That following night, Mike and John are hanging out and Mike doesn't know how to break it down to him. He really wants to tell him his issue.

Mike starts saying, "What's up with the mass media and those tech. stuff?"

For a brief moment, the sound started to become silent, as soundless as hearing a pin drop. He didn't say anything for a long period of time.

Mike continues to say, "I mean come on, people are just walking with their cell phones and not looking anywhere they go.

Don't they think as they are walking with their phones down the street, they can fell into a whole or hit a pole or something? And it's so easy to become famous, a money can it as well."

He finally responses, "I don't want to think about it. It's not something we come solve. Let's not talk about the media and relax. Shut that brain off of yours." He must tell him, before this becomes "awkward."

John doesn't like to think as much as Mike. John tends to play with his phone and computer a lot, absorbing it's stupidity into himself, without doubting the things it says. Mike often catches John doing both at the same time. He rather let other people do the thinking for him.

He claims, "That's why people waste their time in school so they can answer the worlds troublesome. So why must I things about it?" Mike sometimes questions himself; why is John his best friend?

He quickly responses before he says something, "I have something to tell you?" He was rethinking my decision whether he should tell him or not but someone must know. "

"Please, no more no-sense again." Said John.

Mike was getting a little assaulted by his reaction, then again we all have a that best friend who doesn't have the same mind set as you do.

Mike says, "Don't worry, I'll stop for now, it's about me." Remember when you asked me, "you don't like the same and something doesn't seem right with you." Well, I wasn't doing fine."

Mike can't believe it I ended up telling someone. He was waiting some long to tell someone that.

John with angry replies, "Wait what? So when I asked you if you're okay and you lied to me by saying "it's all good"?" Mike was as about to say something to him but he continues.

"How can you hide something from me for so long that means so much too you? I can't believe what I'm hearing." John was starting to get mad at me.

He doesn't tell me everything. Friends say they tell each other everything, really they don't! Mike had to found out something dirty about John, without him telling me. It's true what they say; people do talk and its spreads like a forest fire.

Mike heard something about John. As John always tells me being truthful is the one of the most essential thinks out there. When we become friends things didn't match up, he claims he likes women only. Too Mike, it does matter what he likes but he caught him gazing at men. He would convince me to go the park and see a school practicing football. Mike asked him if he knew anyone in from this school.

He would pretend not to hear me and kept on telling me to stay with him. After asking him several times, who does he know here, he tells me he has a friend there in which that friend doesn't want to be seem by him. Who has friends like those? Mike knows John very well and he doesn't deal with crap like that. Something looks fishy to me, it would be rude to confront him. Thus, he shall let it go and wasn't on preparing to ask him anything.

Shortly after, Mike is walking through my neighborhood and hears people talking about my best friend, John.

He hears people say "John that friend of Mike's, like's girls." Laughing and they continue, "And John likes boys."

At the same time all those folks yelled out "He's bisexual! What a fag"

How can someone hide something like that from a good friend? It seemed to be an embarrassment for John to mention it to anyone, even me. I have nothing against same-sex relationships or people who like both genders so why people have to be so hypercritical.

People just look at other people without looking at themselves. He was starting to get annoyed by those kind of people so Mike mumbled "mined your own damn business people, don't you people have anything else to do then to mock people."

Mike did not tell John about this because he don't want to feel odd near me and I didn't want to feel odd around him. He was waiting for the right time to tell Mike  what his sexual orientation interest might be.

Nonetheless, at last John tells Mike, "Mike, I'm bisexual. I have keep this in me for a long time now."

Mike wasn't surprise to hear this, he was expecting this. "It's okay, you are the same person to me as if I never heard you say this." Mike replies.

John swiftly runs to him and gives him a big hug and says, "I knew you would understand me and be a reasonable guy."

As hw was just standing still next him recalling what happened in the past, he was waiting for a response. He didn't want to bring this up. Without wasting more time,

Mike says, "I have to tell you something right now. It can't wait..." He stops me from continuing and say "spit it out already!"

Here goes nothing, "remember when you ask me why I don't like the same? I have a huge problem going on with me for a while now."

Mike continues, "I can't sleep for a long period of time. I often hear those strange sounds and feeling odd at times. I often have this color on me at times but I don't know what it is."

John is looking at me look he's crazy, he hopes he believes him.

John with shock says, "Did you go to a doctor or perhaps a psychologist?"

Mike was getting offended when John said "perhaps a psychologist," that could mean that Mike is losing my mind.

John continues, "You got to get it checked out ASAP!"

Mike told John that he's the first person he told this too.

"It has stopped for now, if it comes back I'll go to a medical professional." Mike replies.

We begin to walk home and we see a poster that says, "Anyone can become a Mermaid," with an attention-grabbing picture of a beautiful women under water standing on a ship. Before the night ended,

John says, "They are calling you from mars. Or maybe you're becoming a mermaid"


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