I Almost Die. Again.

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I'm going to tell you a story. It's a horrible story and quite frankly it should never be told, but here I am, narrating out for the idiots that care to listen. It's a story about how the fate of the world was thrust into the hands of a bunch of kids. No, we didn't ask for it. No, we weren't ready for it. But I suppose it comes with the territory of being a demigod.

Demigods are the children of gods and humans. They have powerful abilities and are basically beacons for bad luck.

I'm a daughter of Poseidon, the god of the sea. My demigodly bad luck beacon was always very strong, but it started giving me a lot of trouble when I met a certain half blood when I was twelve. I should probably explain.

Okay, so me being a demigod dreams and monsters are pests.

I started off my summer with both.

Being a demigod means dreams are never just dreams. They're glimpses of the future, accidental eavesdropping, uncalled for interruptions, and a whole bunch of nasty things I personally don't want to see.

My nightmare started pretty below average. Quiet. My best friend, Caprice Starr, was walking along the lake clicking her fingers like she always does when she's thinking. Mumbling a whole lot of things that I only caught parts of.

"It's not the right time"

"She's not serious. . ."

"Hecate promised. . ."

After a while things started to get ugly. Some kind of nymph formed out of the water. Being the daughter of Poseidon I'd definitely seen my share of naiads, but this one was freaking huge! She could have been thirty or forty feet high!

"A goddess. . ." The nymph said. Her long wavy hair fell to her waist and instead of the simple jeans/t-shirt getup nymphs usually wore, she wore shining battle amour. "they never live up to their promises. . ."

Caprice backed up hurriedly and fell.

"Who are you?'' She yelled, her voice quivering. Don't be fooled by the shaky voice. Caprice is seriously brave, but if you were run up on by a giant lady I'm sure you would be begging for your security blanket.

"Little girl. . ." The nymph chuckled. "names are meaningless things. . ." 'She continued. "I could name many things that terrify you."

The scene shifted before I could see anything else.

Suddenly I was in a dark room with dark fog of some sort swirling around me.

"Sight." A voice said. "an amazing thing." The voice sent chills up my spine. It felt like it bounced around the inside of my head, out my ears and back in again.

"I recommend you get away from me or I swear I'll drop kick your face!" I yelled at nothing.

I heard a slithering noise that froze my blood in its veins. It sounded like it was everywhere.

"A violent generation this is. . ." She hissed "you remind me of him. . . He was rather violent, too." Several screams erupted from no where then disappeared as quickly as they came. I looked around the darkness to try and find where the noises were coming from.

"Who?" I asked. For a second I was slightly distracted by her comment and the sudden screams. "I can't possibly think of anyone violent who might also want to roundhouse kick you in the neck, miss. . .Uh. . ?" I lost my sentence at the end. I was beginning to really not like this lady. I was beginning to not like this dream.

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