The Pretty Lady Loses Something

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We turned to the picnic benches near us and saw a beautiful woman with dark skin and coiled hair wearing a long blue sleeveless dress. She looked completely elegant.

"You seem to have gotten a little lost!" She laughed. "That's okay, I'll will help you on your way. Come! Have tea with me."

None of us responded. We all looked at each other and seemed to sort of agree, so we went and sat on the opposite side to her.

Alister squinted at her then his eyes widened.

"Oh, you are just too cute." The woman said to him. "I could just eat you up!"

"I - I would prefer that you didn't." He stuttered, looking slightly sick.

I turned to her again, but suddenly she didn't have dark skin anymore. She was significantly paler and her curly black hair was replaced with wavy brown hair. Looking exactly like my mom. She wore simple jeans and a loose white t-shirt.

"You're Aphrodite." Caprice noticed as she shivered.

"That I am, dear." She smiled. "Though you're not looking too good." She gently stroked the gashes on her cheek and they began to close up quicker. "There. Now you won't scar."

Aphrodite tapped the table and a whole picnic spread appeared. A pitcher with lemonade, a pot of tea, sandwiches, cookies, cakes and some too fancy teacups.

The others just stared at the food, but I grabbed a piece of cake and shoved it into my mouth in a very ladylike manner.

"Aphrodite, what are you doing here?" Thalia slammed her hand on the table making the teapot shake.

"Yeah, are we in trouble or something?" I questioned as I finished off my cake.

Aphrodite calmly poured herself a cup of tea, completely oblivious to Thalia's outburst.

"Something of mine has gone missing." She took a sip of her drink. "Alister, that's very nice, but stop staring."

We turned to Alister and his ears and cheeks turned red.

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"What's missing?" I asked Aphrodite.

She pulled a lipstick and a mini mirror out of her pocket as she transformed again. She now had red hair in ringlets, half of it on top of her head. Her bright blue green eyes changed to deep emerald green. She painted her full lips red with her lipstick.

"My perfume." Aphrodite looked kind of upset, but how important could one perfume be? She was the goddess of love, couldn't she just buy as much as she wanted?

"Your perfume? You can't just whip yourself up a little more at will?" Thalia said in disbelief.

Aphrodite's expression changed to looking pretty offended.

"This is important perfume, Thalia! It's my love magic! All I have left is what I'm wearing!

Alister leaned forward to breathe in her perfume and I slapped his arm.

"Don't." I whispered.

"So what are you expecting us to do, Aphrodite?" Caprice reached forward and grabbed two cookies.

"I would love for you delightful children to retrieve it for me! I will include gifts of course." She smiled warmly at all of us.

The Quest To Nowhere | Completed | PJO HOO TOAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin