Because an Attack was Totally Helpful, Right?

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We bought tickets and boarded the bus as quickly as we could grab our bags. As we took our seats close to the back, Thalia made a little laugh.

''West Transport, huh?'' She chuckled. ''That was painfully obvious.''

I opened my bag to see what was inside. It had a airtight bag of ambrosia squares, three spare orange shirts, a pouch with fifteen drachmas and my magical earphones. I silently thanked whoever packed those, while I took them out of my bag and stuffed them in my pocket.

''What are those for?'' Alister asked. ''I thought demigods weren't allowed to use technology.''

''First of all; I do what I want. And second?" I paused. "It's a magical item.'' I whispered in his ear. ''And don't be so loud about throwing the word 'demigod' around.''

He nodded and apologized.

''You know, I thought this quest was gonna be dangerous.'' He remarked. ''It's not that hard.''

Thalia shot him a dirty look.

''A lot of my friends have died on quests like this.'' She snapped then caught herself. ''Just. . .don't jinx it okay?''

It was like she said it at the perfect time, because at that moment we heard a bubbly laugh from in front of us. Two girls in fashionable outfits left their seats at the front of the bus and moved to ones only like three rows ahead of us.

Thalia and Caprice gasped and looked at us.

''What? What's wrong?'' I asked.

''You don't see them?'' Caprice's eyes were wide. ''The flaming hair? The white skin?''

I looked at the girls again. To me they just looked like normal, pretty high school age girls. I shook my head at Caprice.

''Alister, close your eyes.'' Thalia said seriously. ''Block your ears.''

He looked confused, but he did it anyway.

''What are you seeing?'' I asked the girls. ''What are they?''

Caprice drew in a shaky breath and took her ear cuff off her ear.

''I'm not going to say their name. It'll alert them that we know they're here. Just be ready, alright?'' She gulped nervously.

''What's going on?'' Alister whispered, taking his hands off his ears.

''Monsters I think. Just keep your ears blocked, okay? Hum or something.''

He blocked his ears and started humming a gentle tune that wasn't exactly upbeat. But it definitely sounded good .

At the time I didn't understand why Caprice and Thalia wanted to exclude Alister from the fight that was about to happen, but after a minute I definitely understood.

The girls left their seats and walked down to us. I took my earphones out of my pocket.

''Oh come on girls!'' One of the girls giggled, twirling her blonde hair around on her finger. ''Let the boy play!''

Caprice made a very heroic whimpering noise.

I swung my earplugs around twice, and they turned into my spiked whip.

''Oh honey, there's no need for that. Kristy, would you like to relieve her of her weapon.'' She narrowed her eyes at me.

''Certainly, Steph.'' The one with short auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes edged towards me.

I glanced at Alister who was still humming and fiddling with metal pieces with his eyes closed.

Raising my whip I took a step forward.

The Quest To Nowhere | Completed | PJO HOO TOAOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant