Big Hole, Broken Bones

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"Xylee!" Alister's voice shouted.

My body jerked painfully and I hit the ground. Hard. I had no clue how long I had been falling for, or why my cheeks were wet, but I had other matters to attend to. My friends were falling at top speed and within seconds their brains would be splattered across the sewer floor.

Then I had an idea. Sewer, I thought, ew.

I took a deep breath, casting it a disgusted look, I brought the gross colored, gross smelling sewer water up to my flailing friends and attempted to soften it. With the one spare second I had, I considered expelling some of the unmentionables, but didn't have the strength to.

With a splash, Alister and Caprice landed safely. My head thudded back to the grimy concrete and I closed my eyes.

Not quite asleep and not quite awake, I could vaguely hear Alister telling me to open my eyes and Caprice freaking out.

After some intense concentrating and a furious headache I dragged my eyes open.

"Hey! You're awake!" Alister remarked, cheerfully. "You fell on the concrete."

"You fell in crap." I said with a little laugh after wrinkling my nose.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to throw up, could you maybe do something about it?" He asked politely.

I would have done it without him asking. My friends smelt absolutely awful. I sat up and waved my hands over him. Little droplets of water lifted themselves from his body and dove into the rest of the sewer.

"I would offer a high five but. . ." He lifted his left arm then dropped it after wincing.

"Oh my gods, is it broken?"

"Definitely." Said a soaked Caprice as she came up to us. "It looks gross. And so do I. Dry me off, Xylee, or I don't know what I'll do."

I did the same for Caprice as I did for Alister and she began to look less like she would attempt to drown me in the potty water.

"So how do we get out of here?" Alister questioned looking around the dimly lit tunnel.

"Um, how did we get in here?" I asked.

Caprice's TV like, eyes widened. "You don't remember?"

I shook my head, trying not to look concerned by the expressions on my friends faces.

"That doesn't matter right now." Alister stated.

"Alister, she might have a concussion." Whispered Caprice, leaning into his ear. "And your arm is a mess."

I ignored them as they argued about how to get out and if I was in good enough condition to even try. I just looked around. I landed on the concrete. From really high up. There is no way I could have survived, yet here I was. Interesting. As I inspected the sewer I tried to pry into my brain to remember how we got there in the first place. Once that evidently failed I interrupted.

"Guys," I said. "I just want to go home." My voice came off a little more vulnerable than I would've liked and something changed in their expressions.

Alister gave Caprice his best begging puppy dog look and she sighed in defeat.

"Yeah, okay."

Alister then stood up, offered me his good hand and pulled me to my feet. Once I was standing I got the worst head rush of my life and doubled over, nearly throwing up in the process. Not fun.

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