Our Four Half-bloods

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After two years of camp I barely knew anyone. And I still needed to decide on another person to come on the quest. And I couldn't just pick anyone that I knew. Well I'm sure I could have but choosing the wrong person for the quest would put mine and my friends lives in danger.

''Why does school give homework over break?'' I groaned, rubbing my eyes. Most demigods have ADHD and/or dyslexia. I have both so sitting down and doing homework was like listening to jazz in a smoke filled room. I hated jazz.

I was sitting at my desk in the poseidon cabin, trying to figure out my English assignments.

''What in Hades are you doing?'' Alister questioned, leaning on my door post.

''Filling in my application for hell- I mean doing homework.''

''Mm, sounds fun.'' He said walking in. ''So uh. . .You chosen our next quest buddy yet?''

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair.

''Don't remind me. . .'' I said, rolling my eyes. ''I can't think of anyone.''

''Can't we just go just the three of us?''He asked, spreading his hands out in front of him.

''Sadly no. The prophecy says ''Jump'' you say ''how high?'' you feel?''

He shook his head with a raised eyebrow.

''Basically you can't mess with a prophecy'' I explained.

''Okay this is lame. Oh! I forgot! You have a visitor. She's scary''

When he said I had a 'scary' visitor I thought it would be a monster I'd fought in the past, reformed or another enemy, but if that were true Alister would probably have been killed.

''Show me'' I ordered, happy to leave my home work.

''She like, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and kind of yelled at me? She was all ''Where's Xylee ah!'' I was pretty freaked out.'' He continued to tell me the story as we walked out the door. "But I handled very well, I was really manly about it, know you?"

"You screamed and ran?"

"Oh heck yes. Just came straight to get you and prayed she didn't follow me."

I laughed and clutched his shoulder as we walked.

"Right of course." I touched my hand to my forehead. "I'm swooning already."

"Ha ha, but no jokes. She's waiting with like forty other girls. Come on!" He took my hands in his and we ran into the woods.

I would have felt embarrassed, but he was a lot faster than me, so I focused my energy on keeping up and not tripping as he pulled me along.

"Geez, sunshine!" I wheezed. "Could ya. . .slow down. . . A bit?"

"Sunshine? I like it! Just keep running okay?"

So I did.

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