Chapter 28 - A Miracle

Start from the beginning

She tried very hard. She didn't cry. She didn't get hysterical. Not locked in itself. She spoke with Omer, answered questions from medical staff, and even ate an apple and lunch delivered from a restaurant. But inside her, it burned. The fear was so strong that the chest constricted with a spasm and at times it was difficult to breathe. At such moments, she looked at Omer and felt it became easier. And he did not leave her a single moment. He held her hand, stroking her hair, chatting about trifles. If only the minutes ran faster and soon morning came.

Toward evening, the doctor allowed Omer to pick up his wife from the hospital. But with the condition that in the morning she will come for an ultrasound scan. Defne did not need to be reminded of this. She waited for the morning like a prisoner - freedom.

Omer helped her put on a jacket and, refusing the help of a nurse and a wheelchair, carried her to the car in his arms.

Near the house, she asked him to linger a little and breathe fresh air. He carried her to the gazebo. Having conveniently situated her on a bench, he brought a blanket from the house. He wrapped her and asked:

- Are you feeling warm? Defne nodded. - Do you want some tea?

- Yes, please.

She wanted, strong and burning hot tea. So that it warmed her soul and drove the cold inside. And when Omer brought the cups over which the steam rose densely, Defne wrapped her palms around it and closed her eyes. She imagined that this heat penetrates in her blood through the skin and reached to the baby. Warms and gives him a sense of miracle.

It is not true that he is still so small that he does not understand anything. Understands. And feels her love. She will cherish him and protect him. Like a tigress. She will never leave and will not allow the baby to feel alien and unloved.

If only everything was good with him!

A warm hand touched her face and Defne opened her eyes. Omer looked at her and in his eyes, like in a mirror, she saw a reflection of her feelings. She felt better. She is not alone. Omer is nearby. He will not let anything bad happen.

Defne could not sleep. She looked at the black, without a single star, the sky above her head and thought, though.

The night, as usual, exaggerated and intensified fears. Defne tried to drove them away from her, but they stubbornly returned and tormented her with their directness.

- Honey, why aren't you sleeping? Omer asked quietly.

His hand on her stomach moved and gently stroked it. Defne covered his hand with hers and also quietly asked her question:

- And you?

He got up, turned on the night lamp, and, leaning оn his elbow, leaned toward her face.

- To fall asleep? - asked. "How can I, when thoughts and fears torment you?"

"But don't they torment you?" - She did not look at him and her quiet voice was hoarse and deaf.

"They torment me," he answered honestly. "But I know that everything is fine with the baby."

"How can you know?" - and again the tears rolled from her eyes.

Defne brushed them away and sighed frantically. She can't cry. The baby feels bad when she cries.

Omer turned her face to himself. Looking into the eyes with firm confidence said:

- I know! And you know. He is healthy and happy," Omer put his hand under her pajama blouse and spread it on her bare stomach. "He's fine here." The best place in the world to grow from a cell into a little man. Therefore, dear, calm down, and trust the doctor and me. Good?

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