Gone and Done

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Taraji's POV

I came downstairs and ate breakfast and sat watching t.v. after picking up the stuff the Tyler had left behind from going to drop the cake off to Dom.

Reece came around the corner on the phone. When he saw me he started mumbling then hung up. "Good morning." "No it's not a good morning." "Why?" "Does it matter?" "I guess not." He walked into the kitchen then came out a few minutes later and sat down next to me. I looked at him. He looked worried and he was thinking really hard. "What are you thinking about?" He looked at me then shook his head.

He looked at the table and it looked like he was trying to burn a hole into the coffee table. "You okay?" "Yes." "You sure?" "Yes." "You've been staring at the same spot for a while now." "Please stop talking."

I looked back at the t.v. and it went on commercial. I got up and took my bowl to the kitchen then came back and flipped through the channels. I looked at him again and he looked really worried. I touched his arm. "What's going on?"

He looked at me and I could see he was scared. "Nothing." "You can tell me." He started then stopped. "No, I can't." He got up and I grabbed his arm. He looked down at me and I kneeled on the couch. "Please." He kissed me. I pulled away shocked. He looked into my eyes then kissed me again. He pulled me up off the couch and dragged me to his room by my arm.

He pined me against the door which made it close. He kissed me and put his hand up my shirt grabbing my boob. He pulled his shirt off and started untying his sweatpants. He pulled me to the bed and undressed me then finished undressing himself.

He got a condom and put it on then thrusted into me very slowly. He pulled out the same way then back in. He picked up his speed a little but he didn't go any faster than that.

Moans and grunts filled the room. We didn't change positions and I guess he didn't mind. This was very passionate like he was trying to tell me something from his kisses and the way he touched my body. I released and he did a few minutes after me.

He layed next to me after throwing away the condom. We were both breathing heavily and sweating. I moved his hair out of his face. "Reece." He looked at me. "Please tell me what's going." He looked at me and cupped my cheek. I held my hand over his and he shook his head.

"I can't." "Why not?" "I don't wanna worry you." "Why would I be worried?" "Don't worry about it." "Reece." "Just don't worry about it okay. Okay." "I can't. You could get hurt." "Please." "You know I love you right." "No, but I love you." "I do love you." "Do you?" "Yes." "It was a fling and by the way you ended it, it doesn't seem like you do."

"You know,  I got into the relationship with you and I did know it was gonna be a fling cause I didn't want any distractions when I went off for college but I did think about staying with you and I definitely think I could have changed the way I ended things and reached out to you when I stayed for college but you're wrong if you think I didn't love you." "Okay."

"I need to tell you something." "What?" "When I went on my business trip. The company we went to I think I saw your dad in the building." He sat up. "Why didn't you tell me then?" "I wasn't sure and we weren't really talking at the time." "Okay but it was my dad." "I'm not sure about that." "It's still about my dad or might be." "I'm sorry."

"I love you and I always will." "You're scaring me." "Get dressed." I got up and got dressed and so did he. "Taraji I'm scared. Tony said my dad has been looking for. He went to my grandmas house only a few days before we did. She didn't tell them anything but she told me not to come back. When I was down in the basement I was looking through a file full of the drug movements that I had made and the ones that I didn't place. I counted it all up and it's twelve but I can't make that kind of money I need to go work for him again but at this point I don't think he's going to negotiate with me and... and I think he might actually kill me."

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