Playing Games

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Taraji's POV

He pushed me away and I smiled at him. I lunged forward trying to grab his dick and he moved away.

I stopped and just stood there staring at him. "Fine." "Fine, what?" "Just fine." "I don't like that answer." "Welp, I don't know what to tell you." He looked at me before finishing making his sandwich.

I turned him around to face me and kissed him. "I would have made you something to eat." "We don't have anything." "We." "Yeah." "I feel like you're implying something."

"Maybe I am." "Maybe we should talk about it." "We are talking about it." "Are we?" "Kinda, yeah." "Do you not want to talk about it?" "Kinda." "Blow job?" I slid my hand down his pants again and grabbed him, starting to pump up and down.

He moaned and I kept going. He grabbed my hand pulling it away then stopping. I picked up speed and he looked at me. I got on my knees and pulled his pants down. He pushed my head all the way down on him and I was surprised when I didn't gag.

I hummed against him then quickened my pace. He eventually released in my mouth bucking his hips chasing his high.

I stood up and kissed him. "You wanna talk about it now." "Is that what that was all about." "No, but I do want to talk about that some time today." "Maybe, I'm not making any promises so dont hold me to it." "I can't make any promises either."

I made myself a sandwich and we kept talking until we finished eating and went upstairs to get ready.

I sat down on the bed after getting my stuff together and started lotioning my body. I finished and started putting my bra on then looked over and saw him looking at me. "What?" "You're so sexy." "I know, will you help me?" He walked over to me and I turned around moving my hair out of the way while holding the bra in place trying not to expose anything.

He fumbled with it for a while. "Did you get it yet?" "No." "Still." "Yeah." "It's not even that hard." "But it is." "It literally isn't though."

I moved away and just did it myself, continuing to get ready. I walked over to my closet and looked through it bot really wanting to wear anything in there. I walked over to my dresser and looked through the drawers.

I put on a white-ish pink shirt and some light wash Jean's then sat down at my vanity after putting perfume on and brushed my hair

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I put on a white-ish pink shirt and some light wash Jean's then sat down at my vanity after putting perfume on and brushed my hair.

I finished and slipped on some shoes and put on a little more perfume then sat down on my bed and went on my phone and texted Kio, Tanner and  Carl asking them if they wanted to come roller skating with us tonight while waiting for Joey

Carl said sure, Kio said it probably wasn't a good idea because of what happened but I told him it was in the past and he said he might, and Tanner said he most likely won't be able to make it but I texted him the address anyways.

Joey plopped down next to me and pulled me on top of him. I giggled and he squeezed my sides.

"You look so sexy." "Thank you." I leaned down and kissed him. "I was gonna wear my black heels but for what we're most likely walking all day, I wanna be comfortable." "Yeah, I guess."

"You ready?" "Yeah, but I don't really wanna go anywhere." "I can go to the store alone and we can just go out later."

"No it's fine, this is the last day you have with me to do something with so we might as well spend it together right." "I'm fine if you're still tired then take a nap I'll go." "It's fine, just give me a minute."

He pulled me in and I layed my head down on his chest and he rubbed my back.

"You good?" "Just tired." "Shouldn't I be the one rubbing your back?" I tried to move up and he held me in place tightly. "I like it like this." I relaxed and he was still holding me tightly. "I'm not going anywhere." I reassured him and his grip loosened.

After a while of us just laying there he let me go and I gave him a kiss after getting off of him.

We walked downstairs and out to the car and he sat in the drivers seat. I looked at him after my phone went off.

"You want me to drive." He looked over. "Yeah." We switched sides and I drove to the store and my phone kept going off.

"Babe." "What?" It went off again. "Babe." "What?" "Your phone." "I'll get it when we get there." It went off again. "Can you silence it or something." "Yeah."

We were pushing the cart and walking around the store looking for stuff. I walked off leaving him to go find something. I walked around back to where he was and didn't see him so I started walking around calling his name. I turned in an isle and saw him standing there looking ar something on the shelf.

"There you are, you didn't think to answer me when I was calling you." "I thought it was somone else." "You don't know what I sound like." "When you call me, it's not Joey that comes out of those precious lips of yours." He smirked at me. I kissed him. "You're right it's asshole but I bet your bitches call you something around that."

His smirk fell. "Why?" "Why what?" "You know I don't like it when you do that." "I'm sorry, I thought we were just messing around." "It's fine." He kissed me then leaned in to my ear. "They call me daddy." He pulled away and my mouth was dropped. "Joey." "What? You started it."

My phone went off again and he finally grabbed it then looked at me.

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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