Carl's Room

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Taraji's POV

I was kinda hoping you would come in here." I smiled. "I should have taken this bed for myself." "I tried to get you to take it but you wouldn't." I sat down on the bed.

"What's keeping you up?" "Today." "What do you mean?" "It just feels like it shouldn't be ending. Not yet at least." "It's 11:47." "I know." I smiled. "You remember when we would go out and play on the park at like two in the morning." He chuckled. "Yeah. Those were the good days."

I smiled at him. "Yeah, but I'm not good enough." His smile slipped off his face. "Not enough for you not to cheat on me or to have everyone else cheat on me. It just makes me think I did something wrong." "Guys are just dicks and I'm sorry." "I know."

"You wanna watch a movie." I shook my head. "Not really." "What do you wanna do?" "Can I have a hug?" He sat up and I crawled up to him giving him a hug, my legs on each side of him, my body hovering over him. "You smell good," I said still hugging him. He chuckled. "Thanks."

He pulled away and I looked at him still hovering. "You're so handsome." I moved a piece of his hair. "Why'd you have to go and ruin everything?" "Shhhh."

He had his hand on my face and my eyes were closed I leaned in and I could feel his breathing on my lips. Our top lip touched each others and I thought about everything that happened today. I pressed our lips together and kissed him passionately. It lasted longer than it should have and I eventually broke it.

I layed my head against his forehead then moved it to his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck and sitting down on him.

He didn't hug me back, as much as I wanted him to he just stayed there in the same position. "Can we just watch t.v. and cuddle?" I looked up at him. He looked down at me and nodded. He turned the t.v. on and flipped through channels till he found something.

I cuddled up to him leaning my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around his body. "You aren't even watching the t.v." "I just wanna lay here with you and stay up causing all kinds of trouble." He laughed. "Me too, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole wide world." I smiled.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him pulling my leg up so it was laying on his leg and rest his chin on my head.

"Goodnight." "Night."

The next morning

I woke up, cuddled up next to a sleeping Carl. His big arms were wrapped around me and I smiled.

I got up rubbing my eyes and went to the bathroom. I closed the door to the room Carl was in and went into the room Debbie was in to see her sleeping.

I sighed in relief and everything from last night came back to me. I looked at my phone and saw that I had two messages from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, it's Marcus.

Unknown: From laser tag

The messages we sent at 4:32 a.m. I looked at the time and it was 7:20. I texted him back.

                                         T: I thought you were never gonna text back.

I sent it then looked at a message from Joey.

Baby: Good morning beautiful. I hope you're not still mad about yesterday. I miss you. Text me back when you can.

I looked at it and bit my lip. I closed out of it and closed my phone then sat on the bed and shook Debbie.

"Get up, let's go get breakfast. It's 7:21." She rolled over. "It's also to early. I don't have anything planned till noon." "Fine I'll go wake up Carl and we'll go get breakfast without you."

"Good luck getting him out of bed." "I don't think I'll have that much of a problem." "Just get me some pancakes and sausage." "I already told you I'm not getting you anything." "Whatever."

I walked out of the room and went to Carl. I shook him and he rolled over. "What?" "You wanna come get breakfast with me." "No, ask Debbie to do it." "I already did and she said no." "I guess your gonna be lonely." "I'm hungry." "It's to early." "And, I'm hungry." "You want some dick." "Fuck you Carl."

He laughed. I got up and walked out of the room. I came back in after brushing my hair. I slid on a pair of his sweatpants and one of his sweatshirts.

I put on my shoes and grabbed a piece of gum from my purse along with my wallet and keys then left going to get food.


I came back with a bag with two to go boxes filled with food for Debbie and Carl because I knew they were going to be hungry even though neither one of them wanted to get up to go with me to get the food.

I put it down on the counter and dropped my stuff on the table sliding my shoes off.

"I'm back. I got you fuckfaces some food even though you didn't come with me." I stood there and pulled out my phone when it buzzed in my pocket.

Baby: wyd

                                             M: eating hbu

Baby: same

                                                M: what r u doing for Thanksgiving

Baby: probably staying out here with my family.

Baby: I miss you.

                                      M: I miss you too

Baby: were you busy this morning

                                            M: no, why???

Baby: you didn't answer my text

                                                            M: oh

Baby: I gotta go but I'll text you later okay

                                                        M: sure

I closed my phone and looked up seeing that nobody had came out of the rooms. I woke them up so they could eat and we chilled around till it was getting closer to noon and we started getting ready.

(Authors Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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