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Taraji's POV

I woke up and pushed Carls arm off of me. I went to the bathroom then downstairs and started making some breakfast.

Reece came in and looked at me. "What?" "Nothing." "What is it?" "I just think it's funny how you think you can have three guys all at the same time."

"Excuse me." "You're playing with our emotions and it's not right." "We already talk about what this was." "Did we really though?" "Yes. We had a while conversation about it after we had.. you know." "Sex." "Shh. Could you keep your voice down?" He scoffed.

"Whatever." He walked past me shoving my shoulder and I grabbed his wrist pulling him closer to me. "What I do is none of your business." "If you're fucking me it is my business." There were tears in his eyes. Carl walked in and looked at us. Reece looked at my hand and pulled away. He walked off and disappeared around the corner. I looked at Carl.

"What was that about?" "Uh.. nothing." "I think I should go." "You don't want any breakfast?" "Not today, I'm good." "Okay." He left and I finished making breakfast then didn't even eat it. I left it there and went upstairs to my room.

As I walked past his room I thought about going in but I didn't knock I just kept going. I got in the shower then got out and got ready.

^^outfit above^^

I brushed my hair and left it down then got dressed and texted Kio.

Me: hey

                                                       Kio: hey

Me: can you come over

                                                          Kio: fr

Me: yeah

                                                     Kio: okay ill be over in a few minutes

Me: okay

I went downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for him. There was a knock on the door finally. I opened it and he looked at me and smiled.

I pulled him in and upstairs to my room. I closed the door and turned back around to face him.

"You really didn't want to waist any time." "What?" "Is this shirt supposed to be meant for me. Like a message or something." I looked down at my shirt. "No." "Good. I prefer daddy anyways." He walked past me and sat down on my bed.

"I actually want to talk to you." "Okay. Is it about last night." "Kinda." "I really didn't mean to make you mad." "I know. I'm sorry for being a bitch." "It's okay." "Usually you're supposed to say I wasn't acting like a bitch."  He stood up and walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "It's okay cause I was kinda acting like an asshole." "Yeah you were." "See."

He kissed me and I kissed him back then pulled away. "I actually want to talk to you." "We just talked." "No, I mean for real." "Fine." He sat back down on the bed.

"How do you feel about what we are doing?" "I like it." "You don't feel like I'm playing with your emotions or something." "I feel like I should be asking you this questions." "Seriously." "No. I don't feel like you are playing with my emotions." "Okay." "Do you think I'm playing with your emotions?"

"Nothing you've done yet but I definitely think you could play with my emotions." "I would but you don't look like the kind of girl that would get played."

"At least you know one thing about me." "I know more than one thing about you." "Tell me." "I know that you aren't talking to your bestfriend or your mom.  I know that you are a beautiful, busy, hard-working, badass that doesn't get half the stuff you deserve." "Yeah, okay."

"Are we done here?" "Yeah." "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm just thinking." "About what?" "Stuff." "You wanna tell me?" "Not really." "Okay." "You want me to stay here with you for a little bit?" "If you want. I gotta go places for a little bit later." "I'll stay till then." "You sure?" "Yeah." His phone dinged and he looked at it. "What is it?" "Nothing."

He took his jacket off and we layed down and watcjed t.v. together. He put his hand down my underwear and kissed me. I moaned into the kiss then got on top of him and started grinding on him. I pulled his shirt off and kissed down his body. I came back up and kissed him then his neck then got off of him.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" "I can't." "Why not?" "Are you sleeping with anyone else?" "What?" "Are you sleeping with anyone else?" "Do you want me to answer honestly?" "So that's a yes." "Well, what did you want me to tell you." "Well, at least you're being honest." "I'm not exactly sleeping with anyone else." "What do you mean not exactly?" "I'm just talking to her. She sends me stuff and I sometimes send her stuff. We haven't slept together yet but some stuff has happened."

"Stuff meaning you went down on her or she gave you a blow job." "More like and." "Okay." "Are you mad?" "No, I just needed to know." "Why?" "It was bothering me." "Now the real reason why." "I got into a fight with someone and they told me I was playing with everyone I was sleeping with emotions. That's the whole reason I asked you to come over."

"How many people are you sleeping with?" "One." "And how does that go with if I'm seeing someone else." "It doesn't, I just wanted to know if you just use me when you can't get it from someone else, like I'm your second pick." "That bothers you." "As much as I hate to admit it, yes it does bother me."

He hugged me. "I can't do this right now okay." "Okay. As much as I'm gonna miss it I shouldn't say okay but okay." "You gonna go find another girl at the grocery store?" "Maybe. You gonna fuck another person?" "Maybe." "Fair enough." We watched some more t.v. then played a card game before he left.

I went downstairs after getting the bag of stuff I was giving to Debbie and got in my car. I drove to the diner and sat down at a booth and waited for her.
She finally showed up and sat down.

"Hey." "Hey." "How are you doing?" "I've been better, you?" "Honestly same." It was silent. "I didn't order anything cause I didn't know if you were gonna be hungry or not." "That's okay." I looked at her. "Can we skip the bullshit and just get to the apology part cause I miss my bestfriend." "Same, it's been hard not being able to tell you about things."

"Tell me about it. There's so much that has been happening." "I'm sorry for putting my hands on you." "I would say it's okay but it's not." "I know." "Don't feel bad we both did some stuff that was wrong." "Yeah but the whole thing was my fault." "It's okay." We hugged it out then sat back down and got our food. "I hate to leave like this but I kinda gotta go." "Its okay I have some things I have to do also." "Bye." "Bye."

I paid and looked over realizing that I never gave her the present. I grabbed it and left going back home.

I honked the horn when I got home and waited for him to come out. He never did so I got out of my car and went in. "Hello, did you forget that we are going to see your grandma today." "No, I just didn't think you were gonna take me." "Why wouldn't I?" "Cause of this morning." "That's not gonna change the fact that I told you I would take you to see your grandma." He got out of the bed. "Are you gonna change?" "No. I don't have to satisfy anybody." "Whatever." We waljed back to the car and I drove off going to his grandmas house. The whole ride was silent.

I pulled up to the house and started getting out but ge told me to stay in the car. I argued but in the end I just waited in the car like he told me to even though I didn't want to. He came back out a while later with a bag. He threw it in the back then got in. "You gonna tell me what happened?" "You gonna drive and mind your business?" "I don't understand why you're being like this." "Then I guess you just won't understand."

(Author's Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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