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Taraji's POV

The doorbell rang and I got up opening it. "Sausage and pepperoni pizza." His head was still down. I looked down getting the money out of my pocket.
"Hey how's your night going." "Good, so far. It's getting a little chilly but good I don't have anythig to complain about I got two working legs and arms and I'm healthy so." He chuckled and I gave a smile still looking for the money.

I looked up and saw his face and he looked at me shocked. "Tanner." "I knew this address seemed familiar." "Yeah no kidding you used to deliver here all the time." "We used to hangout all the time over summer."

"Then you disappeared when school started back up. When senior year was over you stopped coming over during summer. It's like I had to order pizza just to see you." "I'm sorry about that." "It's okay, don't feel bad people get busy." "I wish I was one of those people."

I looked at him confused. "What are you doing now?" "Taking care of my grandma and going to college when I can, working three jobs to be able to go to college." "Didn't you get a scholarship."

"They gave it to some other kid." "That sucks. Yeah it does but I'm getting Grant's, student aid, everything I can to stay in college but this year feels like the hardest of them all but then again it did just start, good thing it's my last year."

"Where do you go?" "University of Illinois here in Chicago in Harrison." "I go there too. Maybe we'll see each other around." "Maybe." He looked at the time. "I'm sorry, you need to get back to work. How much was it again?" "$15.99."

"Here." I gave him a twenty and smiled. "Keep the change." "Thanks." He walked off after giving me the pizza. "Hey." He turned around. "You still have the same number right." He smiled at me. "Yeah." "Okay, don't be a stranger. Have a good night." "You too."

I closed the door and went to the kitchen with the pizza. "What took you so long?" "Nothing, it was an old friend from high school." "Who?" "You remember Tanner, I think you met him once when we went out to the club that one night. He has dirty blond hair greenish hazelish eyes." "The one that couldn't find a girl when we were at the club. New kid." "I guess." "It doesn't matter let's eat."

He rubbed his hands together and opened the pizza box grabbing a plate and putting three pieces of pizza on it. "Carl is coming over soon." "For what?" "We're gonna watch a movie." "He can't watch a movie at his own house."

"We have a streak going and if I lose I owe him $50." "I have $50." "He's coming over you can watch it with us or you can be salty but it won't faze us. We're just friends and we both know it." "Fine."

We finished eating and I sat there looking at him for a minute. "I'm going to take a shower." He looked up from his phone and grabbed me pulling me closer to him. "Can I join?" "You can if you don't mind burning hot water." "Never mind then." "That's what I thought."

I went upstairs and got in the shower washing my hair and body then brushing my teeth and washing my face

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I went upstairs and got in the shower washing my hair and body then brushing my teeth and washing my face. I got out and layed down on my bed waiting for Carl to come up but then remembered that Joey was here so he might not come upstairs. I got up and brushed my hair out and went to the door and it opened. 

Forgive ( Sequal to Truth )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora