Tanner and McKayla's Stories

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Tanners POV

I got up and pushed the girl off of me. I grabbed my stuff and went for the door.

"Just a hit and run." I turned around. "Hey, you're the one who said you weren't interested in a relationship." "Feelings change." "Do they?" "Yes and besides we've been sleeping with each other for a while now." "Yeah, and?" "And?" She scoffed.

"I'm wondering why you still haven't asked me out yet." "Cause you said you didn't want a relationship." "You really think I would still be sleeping with you if I didn't want a relationship." "It's a possibility that I've looked into a lot of times before." "So, you've thought about it before?" "Yes multiple times." "Have you been sleeping with anyone else while we've been sleeping together?" "Do I look like I have?" "I don't know." "I'm not that kinda guy."

She got up and my eyes widened cause she was naked. She kissed me. "I'll see you later then." "What just happened?" She walked off. "What do you think just happened?" "I don't even know." "What do you want it to be?" "I think you know." "Then I think you have your answer. Now get out of here so you can get to work." "Bye." "Bye, baby."

I smiled at her words and went to my car so I could go home then to work.

A few weeks later

I pulled up to her apartment and texted her that I was outside. I got out and leaned against the car while waiting for her.

She came out and I smiled at her then walked up to her. I kissed her and walked her to the car. "You look amazing." "Thank you." I opened the door for her then went around and got in the driver's seat and pulled off.

At the restaurant

The waiter left and we sat there. The sun was setting and she looked beautiful. I smiled at her.

"So, I this some get to know you type thing?" "It can be." "Okay, then. Ask me anything." "Well, I know that you're 21, you live in an apartment, you don't go to college, have a job which must pay a good amount of money considering your apartment doesn't look like it's cheap. I know that you are beautiful and amazing in bed." She smiled. "What do you want to know?" "What's your story?"

"I grew up without a father figure in my life. My mom raised me and I like to think she tried her best but I know she didn't. She wasn't really hard working but she kept a roof over out heads so. Um.. I'm an only child, I've never met my dad but I think he has a family of his own now so I guess I have step siblings but I'm not really in the mood to meet them and maybe that's wrong of me but it's whatever cause they probably don't even know about me. That's pretty much it."

"Why don't you go to college?" "It's not for me. I've had enough of school. I never liked it, I was good at it I even got accepted to Princeton and maybe that makes me seem like a terrible person to waist my smarts and turn down a great college but I just didn't want that."

"How long was your last relationship?" "Two years." "Wow." "Yeah, we were fonna run off and get married and figure out the rest of life after but I told him how I felt and I guess he didn't loke the deep side of me so he left and I was back on Earth." "How exactly did you feel?" "Is that a question you should be asking on the first date." "It's actually the second but okay. Have you ever used me as an excuse to not go out with someone." "Yes."

"Looks or personality." "Looks." "Really." "Yes all the way. People who say personality it's bullshit. You aren't gonna go up to an ugly guy and be like hey can I get your number or you wanna go out. You're always gonna pick the pretty girl over her ugly bestfriend always." "I guess." She took a sip of her drink. The food finally came and we ate.

"So you've heard about me and already knew things but the only thing I know about you is that you're 22 and work extremely hard. So tell me your story."
"My story isn't exactly something I like telling." "I wanna know you." I sat back in my chair and took a deep breath in then let it out.

"Well, I've transferred a lot of highschools but my parents settled in Chicago for some business. My parents were investors they made a lot of money." "So you're rich?"

"They are. I've always wanted my own money. I never want to be defined by their money so I got a job in highschool working at the pizza place. It wasn't my dream job but it was something. When I graduated highschool my parents finally divorced and my mom took all the money. Me not wanting to be defined by money I went with my broke dad. We were both working but it wasn't enough to hold us so I got another job. I came home one day after work and my stuff was packed on the front porch."

"He kicked you out?" "Yeah, he left a note and everything. I stayed there and banged on the door for hours but he didn't let me in. I went to my moms house and it was hell but it was a home. A few months later my grandpa died. That's the only day I cried and I don't cry." "What do you do when you're sad." "I kinda shut down and ignore everything but the important things." "As in?" "Work and school." "Oh." "After my grandpa died, I found out that my mom was going bankrupt. My grandma is old and doesn't have anyone to take care of her so I asked my mom if she would let her stay with us but she said no. I packed my stuff and went to my grandmas house."

"Why wouldn't she let her stay?" "Cause she's my dad's mom." "And she didn't want anything to do with him." "Exactly. I got a third job cause my grandma has medical conditions and she can't pay for them by herself and I have college. So to make the story short, I live with my grandma and take care of her, I have three jobs, and I go to college."

"How long was your last relationship?" "I haven't been in a relationship since highschool." "Why not?" "I moved to much and I'm always busy. I never really had time." "You're supposed to make time for that." "What do you think I'm doing right now?" She smiled. I kissed her then paid the bill and we left.

(Author's Note)
What will happen next? Keep reading to find out.
Hope you enjoyed.

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