Russia x Canada

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Canada drove his car quietly, angling it between two trees that were leaning towards each other almost as if they were kissing. The trees created a sort of arch that he slipped between before parking his car. He was meeting with his lover but as his brother hated the man, it had to be a secret. America wasn't one to keep quiet when he was displeased and Canada didn't want to get into an argument with him.

Canada killed the engine and got out of his car, he picked up his passenger as he slipped out. The small bear didn't protest and sat in his arms contently while Canada locked his car. The cold wind stabbed his ears and cheeks instantly but he was used to freezing weather, though Russia's land was much colder than any of Canada's provinces. He shivered and shook his shoulders as if that would make the cold less biting.

"Come on," Canada said to his furry friend, Kumajirou, who he didn't dare put down. Kumajirou was a little lazy for a polar bear and would probably just sit instead of walk if Canada put him down. The snow at Canada's feet began to seep through his shoes but he ignored it and trudged forward with a determined look in his eyes. Kumajirou asked who he was but he was used to being forgotten so he didn't answer. Kumajirou didn't mind that though.

Canada walked a distance from his car before turning around to make sure the trees properly hid it. He didn't want anybody to drive by and recognize the car as his, thankfully the leaves of the pines fully encased the small vehicle. Good.

He turned back around and kept walking, the landscape looked the same the further he went. Snow-capped hills that went on for ages but Canada had been here before, he'd been here so many times he had lost count. It was the secret meeting place he and his lover had found, deep in the hills was a clearing outlined with stones. Whoever got there first was supposed to start a small fire and wait for the other, he wondered if he'd be met with Russia or an empty space.

Kumajirou seemed to have fallen asleep but he looked up at Canada with a curious expression, "Where are we going?" He had such a soft voice, Canada always liked quiet people. Russia was just his type in that regard though he was good with loud people too, he had to be because of his brother.

Canada winced as the wind picked up, turning the tips of his ears raw. He should have brought a hat. He looked forward despite the cold breeze and kept going, "Someplace special." He answered, "We're going to meet with Russia. Do you remember him?"

Kumajirou relaxed against the Canadian's chest and nodded, "Yeah." His soft voice was weirdly easy to hear despite the wind, "He has silver hair. He's very nice." Canada sighed and internally felt sad that his pet could remember Russia but not him.

Finally, the ground he was walking on dipped into the clearing. Canada carefully walked down the snowy slope and stepped over the stones, he looked around the clearing but didn't see Russia. So he was here first, "Hey Kumajirou can you sit here?" He asked while setting the bear down, "I need to go get some wood for a campfire."

"Okay," Kumajirou sat down without an issue and looked up at Canada. Canada maintained eye contact with a soft smile until Kumajirou asked, "Who are you?" Not again...

"I'm Canada," He sighed heavily and climbed back up the slope. He knew where he could find some wood for the fire. He headed East while making sure he didn't get lost, it was surprisingly easy to get lost in the Russian wilderness. The first few times he met up with Russia he got lost and had to be found but now he was almost an expert.

He found the forest he was looking for and looked for sticks that would burn. Sticks that are too wet won't burn and if they just fell off of a tree it won't burn as long. He needed dry, dead sticks that would light and burn for a long time. He looked around for a few minutes before he found a good amount of wood.

The walk back was shorter than the walk to the woods. It always seems that way, doesn't it? The walk to someplace feels long and the walk back doesn't. As he reached the clearing he heard talking, "Ah hello Kuma." Was that..?

Canada picked up his speed to reach the clearing faster and he couldn't help grinning when he spotted the silverette, "Russia!" He hurried down as carefully as he could and clumsily hugged the bigger man, trying not to poke him with the sticks he was carrying.

Russia chuckled and wrapped his arms around the Canadian, "Hello there, klenovyy." Canada didn't speak Russian but he had been told his nickname translated to Maple. He buried his face into the coat of his lover as he grinned, the familiar smell of Russia making him feel safe. The two stood together for a few comforting moments before Russia spoke, "It is cold."

"Oh right," Canada stepped back and headed to the fire pit they had made ages ago. It was just a hole dug into the Earth that they kept covered so it stayed dry. Canada pulled the cover off and then placed a few sticks into the pit, setting the others aside so they could add them when needed.

He took out a lighter and a piece of paper that he brought in case he had to start the fire today. He lit the paper on fire and then set it in the middle of the sticks, waiting until a blaze started. He looked over at Russia when it began to heat up and saw the man was playing with Kumajirou. Canada smiled, people who get along with Kumajirou are always good people.

Russia looked up and smiled, "Spasibo, lyubov moya." He said, "Thank you for starting the fire." Russia picked Kumajirou up and walked over to the edge of the fire pit where he sat down, Canada crawled over to sit next to him.

Russia pulled Canada closer and Canada rested his head on his shoulder, snuggling into his side. Russia rested his arm around Canada and placed Kumajirou in the smaller man's lap, "Canada, ya lyublyu vas." He said quietly.

"I love you too," Canada mumbled. He closed his eyes and settled into the security of Russia's embrace. The warmth of the fire and the comfort of his lover slowly lulled Canada into an easy sleep. Russia didn't stop Canada from falling asleep and instead held him tighter, he was just happy to be spending time with the man he loved. The presence and closeness of Canada was all it took to relax Russia and make him forget the things that caused him stress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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