Germany x Nyo!Germany

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TW: Feelings of being unloved/unwanted

Monika was not happy, not happy at all. She's been with Ludwig for years now, at one point she wondered if she should just jump the gun and propose to Ludwig, destroy the stereotype that men propose too.

However, she'd noticed that she initiated everything. When she wanted to cuddle she called in Ludwig, when she wanted to go out on a date she asked him, when she wanted to kiss or hug she had to ask, and Ludwig made a face or tensed up each time she did. Slowly a thought crept into her mind that he had liked chasing her and lost interest when she finally said yes and just stayed in the relationship out of a feeling of responsibility and was looking for an excuse to end things. This thought started off as a joke to herself but slowly she had begun to believe it.

If Ludwig left her or didn't love her at all she wouldn't cry, that's what she told herself, she hated crying, especially in front of people or over them. Yes, it would hurt and yes she would feel like shit but if he lead her on then he wanted to hurt her and she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of breaking her.

She decided to test if he truly cared for her, the next week she decided would be all about trying to see if he would stand the tests. On Sunday they were leaving church when her a man she'd paid to help her named Tyson came up with a mask on and took her purse, taking off afterwards.

Ludwig looked shocked and Monika pretending to be too surprised to react, to her surprise Ludwig didn't go after her purse, instead he held onto her and asked, "Jou okay?"

She nodded slowly, "Ja..." She watched Tyson disappear around the corner a bit disappointed.

"I can get jou anozer purze." He looked sheepish, "I was avraid he'd 'urt jou."

"O-Oh." She smiled and looked up at him, "Zat'z okay. Zhe purze was empty anyvay, only uzed it for zhe fashion."

"Zhat'z guud." Ludwig said and look her hand, leading her back to his car.

Monika decided he'd passed the first test though not in the way she expected he would but glad he showed he cared for her. On Monday they went to the store and she decided to test a challenge she'd seen online by texting Ludwig: SOS lane 4. A guy just touched me and he's been flirting for awhile but he won't go away!

In what felt like seconds Ludwig came flying down the lane and stopped when he saw her, looking her over, "Jou okay? Vat happened?"

Monika pretended to sigh in relief, "I told him jou vere coming and he ran."

"Damn right." Ludwig said and hugged her, putting a chin on her head. She smiled into the hug, wrapping her arms around him and deciding he'd passed today's test too. "Anyvay, zhere is no more pineapples."

"Dammit..." Monika bit the inside of her cheek, she really heckin liked pineapples.

On Tuesday she decided to do something a bit more dangerous but she knew her body could take a fall so she set up a ladder to the roof and decided to start hanging up rainbow lights seeing as her's and Ludwig's country finally legalized same-sex marriage. (A/N: This is a true fact. Go Germany!!!)

When she heard Ludwig's door close as he got home from working she used her feet to make the ladder wobble seeing as nobody was down bellow securing it, she heard Ludwig shout out a warning but with her left foot she off balanced the ladder and fell off of it, genuinely frightened but knowing she'd planned it, she was surprised when she found herself in Ludwig's arms.

"I zaid be careful." He scolded, setting her on her feet.

"Es tut mir leid, I vas juzt excited." Monika managed a smile despite genuinely feeling scared for a moment when she'd been falling. She decided no more tests that could put her at risk.

"I am too but jou ztill muzt be careful." Ludwig said, his voice was stern but his eyes were concerned. Slowly Monika began to think that maybe she might be overreacting with her unloved thoughts but she pushed her doubt away, she's never given up on a plan before and she certainly wasn't going to start now.

She'd now reached the halfway point on Wednesday and called Gilbert over. Their plan? Annoy the hell out of Ludwig and see if he snapped at her in a more than annoyed way. Gilbert had always been close to her so he was fine with this plan, plus, he loved to aggravate his younger brother, at least this time he had a reason!

It started mildly, Gilbert drumming his fingers loudly on every available surface, including the top of Ludwig's head to which he got his wrist grabbed. Then, when he asked Monika to staple some papers, she stapled them in the middle of the page. He just shook his head and fixed it. Gilbert then began screeching the Batman theme every five seconds, stopping for a moment or even minutes to lure Ludwig into a false sense of security before screeching again. This continued until a rather loud, "HALTE DEN MUND, HALT DEN RAND, HALT DIE KLAPPE!!" Stopped him as Gilbert and Monika tried not to laugh.

What really broke him though was when Monika took his phone and set an alarm every few minutes, then she'd give it an hour or two so he'd think it was over, before it began again. It took him awhile to catch on but when he stormed into the parlor with his phone blaring 'What's New Pussy Cat?' both Gilbert and Monika just lost it as he asked, "Who did zhis?!" And the two pointed at each other while laughing. Ludwig just dropped his phone on the table and stormed out.

Monika didn't know whither he won or lost that one but when he crawled into bed that night and wrapped his arms around her, pulled her closer and then whispered in her ear, "Do that again and I'll put a red shirt in with your white laundry." She couldn't help but give him that win as she laughed quietly.

It was now Thursday and she was done with the challenge, she wasn't very good with emotions but she knew honesty was the easiest way to get things done so when she woke up and texted Ludwig: We need to talk. She was very surprised to see him arrive with flowers and a box of chocolates.

"L-Ludwig?" She took the flowers and chocolate as they were thrust at her.

"Ah guten morgen..." He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Vat are zhese for?" Monika asked, setting them on the table in the living room.

Ludwig shrugged, "Just vanted to give zhem to jou."

She nodded slowly, "Vell take a seat."

Ludwig did as she said and put his hands in his lap, asking, "Vat vas it zat jou needed to talk about?"

"Vell..." Monika took a reassuring breath to keep herself calm, "Do jou even like me anymore?"

"V-Vas?!" When Monika looked up the expression of Ludwig was hard to decipher, she went to apologize when he shushed her, "Moni..." He sighed and moved so he was sat next to her, "I have never loved somebody much as I do jou."

Monika sighed and looked down, "I-I just thought-"

"-I am truly a terrible person..." She looked at him shocked but he just hugged her, "I have failed jou, in making jou feel less than jou are." He separated and held her by her shoulders, looking into her sky blue eyes, "Monika...jou're zhe vone I ztay up all night thinking about und coming up vith cute thingz I vish could happen."

She felt her face heat up which was scary at first but then she realized she was blushing, something she hadn't done in awhile, "Ludwig...Luddy ich liebe dich."

"ich liebe dich auch." Ludwig replied and pulled her back to him, lifting her chin up and kissing her gently.

Monika replied positively, molding her lips against his perfectly, as if they'd been made to fit against each other. That night Ludwig didn't return to work, he just cuddled with Monika and watched the movie 'Swiss Army Man' which had him and Monika dying of laughter the whole time until they fell asleep in each other's arms with their legs tangled.

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