Neko!Lithuania x Neko!Poland

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Requested by BelgianHetalia

A/N: Sorry that this took so long and that it's short but mental health is shit so I took a break

"Remember the rules?" Toris asked, pulling his hood up and then pulling Felik's up too.

"Don't let them see, like, keep my hood up, and keep my tail around me waist like a belt. Course I remember." Feliks replied, rolling his eyes.

"Just checking..." Toris mumbled, taking Felik's hand and walking out, heading to the market. Toris and Feliks were, well, different. They had neko blood meaning they were basically half cat and well, humans didn't deal well with people being different so they hid it.

"Butter?" Toris asked, looking over the display.

"Like duh!" Feliks replied and withheld an eye roll, "Can't make cupcakes without butter."

"Oh right." Toris got a few sticks of butter and added them to their basket.

"And we like need choccy milk! Oh and we need sugar and flour for the cupcakes." Feliks said, holding onto Toris's arm.

"Why chocolate milk?" Toris asked, going to get the sugar and flour.

"Because I like it, we also need regular milk though." Feliks replied as if it was obvious, "For like the cupcakes."

"We making chocolate cupcakes?" Toris asked, looking over the cocoa.

"Tak!" Feliks replied happily, "Chocolate cupcakes are, like, the best!" Toris nodded and got the cocoa, adding it to their cart. Feliks then took control of the cart and ran with Toris following, keeping a hold of both of their hoods so they wouldn't fall off. Quickly, they got the rest of their ingredients and went to the till.

"Is that all?" The cashier asked, ringing up the items.

"Oh and this!" Feliks put the chocolate milk onto the counter, the movement almost causing his hood to fall but Toris caught it.

Soon they had their things and went home to make the brownies and cuddle on the couch and poking each other to annoy the other until Toris wound up holding Feliks tightly so he couldn't move. Eventually the couple fell asleep like that with no worries.

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