Jealous!Ladonia x Wy

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Requested by Xylospring

Erland had been watching the same events too often, over and over, he didn't know what this feeling was, but he couldn't stand it when Jake even looked Wendy let alone touch her. Everybody knew Jake was basically Roderich but with a more stuck-up attitude and the mindset that he was above everybody else. It wasn't like Erland was with Wendy, or Jake for that matter, but he couldn't help the hot feeling that spread all the way up to his ear tips when Jake slid an arm around Wendy's shoulders.

However, this here was where he broke. Wendy and Lily had gone inside Wendy's room to try on some clothes all of them had gotten when they had gone shopping and Jake burst in and dragged Wendy out to join the game on the X-Box, thing is...she wasn't exactly wearing pants.

"Hey!" Erland stood up in a frenzy and ran over, grabbing Wendy's arm gently and ripping her from Jake's hold as she tried to calm her flustered self down.

"What?" Jake asked with a tilt of his head.

Erland rolled his eyes and quickly walked Wendy back to the room before turning around and balled his fist up, "You! You're...You're skandalös!"

"So?" Jake gave a dismissive wave of his hand.

"You don't take somebody who isn't decent out of their room!" He glared harder.

Jake shrugged, "She's just a g-"

"-Person." Erland interrupted which surprised Jake.


"She's just a person so you have to respect her no matter her gender." Erland rolled his eyes as if that was obvious.

Jake scoffed, "Girls aren't-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Erland punched his jaw hard, sending the Kirkland to the floor, "What the hell?!"

Erland was surprised himself, he'd never been so angry he couldn't control himself before, but, he didn't regret hitting Jake. He deserved it. Quickly he thought of a witty comeback, "According to you I can decide who's human and who's not so I've decided you are not and so I punched my punching bag." Jake opened his mouth to reply but Erland was done listening to him and dragged him from the house, throwing him out and sighed, turning around.

When he looked up from the floor in front of the door all eyes were on him as he suspected. Peter had paused his and Leopold's game, Lily was peeking out of the bedroom door, and Wendy has emerged from the room, properly clothed.

"Hallå?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

To his surprise he soon found Wendy's arm around him, "Thank you." She said quietly.

Slowly he hugged back and he couldn't be happier, as happiness is what happens when your dreams come true. "Jag älskar dig."

Wendy looked up at him in this hug and kissed his cheek, "I love you too."

The both of them, with red faces, looked back at their group of friends as they began to cheer loudly.

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