S. Korea x Abused!America

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Requested by Tord_le_Commie

A/N: This is my first time writing S. Korea so don't judge.

Trigger Warning: Violence

Google translate ahead!

Alfred listened to his friend Im Yong Soo, Im for short, babble about all the things supposedly made in his great country. By listen he was really just bobbing his head along every time Im said anything and pretending to be intrigued by it, truthfully he could care less. His attention was more drawn to his house as it loomed at the end of the street, growing ever closer. He dreaded it, scared of it, wanted to escape it. But he couldn't and he knew that, and it terrified him.

All too soon he and Im separated, Im turning down onto his street, the name being Freedom St. ironically that's exactly what Alfred wanted, that and the boy with the curl who was retreating down it's stony path. He watched Im until the boy had disappeared inside a beige house, he liked the color beige, so natural and inviting, neutral and calm. If beige was calmness then red was anger and rage, unwelcoming and unforgiving, the color you imagine when you think of violence and brutality. With that thought, Alfred entered the red house at the end of the street.

He heard the TV flickering in the other room and peeked in, his father, beer gut spilling over himself and arms that representing worms with their rolls hanging off the edge of the armchair that looked depressed and overall squashed from the over sized man on top of it. To his relief, the horrid man was asleep.

It didn't used to be this way, things used to be...normal, happy, beige. He only knew her in fleeting memories, a vibrant spirit with black hair she would let him plait, tan sun kissed skin that would lift him up over her head in a spin, bright green eyes that would sparkle with laughter when he threw cookie dough at her in a failed baking attempt. Mother, his mother. There were pictures of her all over the house, some of them had her and a man Alfred no longer recognized, he knew that same man was in the armchair drunkenly passed out but the man in the pictures would smile and look at the tanned beauty next to him with such a kind and gentle look that he'd all but forsaken.

Alfred had memories of that man too, of a hearty laughter when he found Alfred eating the peanut butter straight from the jar at 4 in the morning, the substance having found it's way everywhere but the boy's mouth, with blue eyes that had a playful spark as he ran around with Alfred in the backyard, throwing snowballs at each other, or the faces they'd pull at each other at the table before mother would scold them and tell them if they kept that up their faces would stick and while the man laughed Alfred would eat his food as fast as he could to get away from the black magic out to freeze his face.

He could remember it as if it has happened yesterday, mother came home coughing into her hand before collapsing into the gentle arms of her lover, Alfred had been shooed to his room but he stayed on the stairs, watching through the railing as she spoke in a small voice before her hand slipped from his own and fell to the blue carpet. Blue, that, Alfred thought, was a fitting color for that moment. Blue was sadness and melancholy, tragedy and sickness, blue was a pale hand that no longer held it's vibrant glow laying limp as a beautiful soul left this world.

As Alfred shook these memories away, he saw movement in the doorway of the living room, he looked just in time to see the man posing as his father throw a beer bottle at his face, he barely ducked in time but the glass shards pierced him as the bottle crashed on the wall behind him. Thankfully the shards hadn't been huge and only pricked the back of his neck, arms, and ears, these ones wouldn't scar.

"Listen here you rotten prick!" He felt a hand grab his hair and pull him closer, seething into his ear with rancid breath, "You have no right to live here! I only let you freeload because I'm so nice! Now get in there and clean it!" He threw Alfred into a room, the teenager falling onto his side.

Hetalia OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon